Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Importance Of Staying Motivated During Trying Times.

One of the main themes that this blog revolves around is a word coined as "perspective'. After all, the word perspective is the title of this blog, so therefore it would make sense that it would make a regular appearance on here. There is however a reason as to why I am beginning this week's topic off with the idea of what perspective means. There is something that many people refer to as "trying times" that describe the various hardships and challenges that an individual may face in their life. Now I would say that we all have been experiencing trying times over the past year and a half, but it all comes down to a person's perspective on what trying times may mean to them. Now I myself will admit that I have been experiencing trying times in recent years. I'm sure that many of you that may be reading this have as well, and I'm sure that some that happen to come across this may not be able to relate. Hey, that is okay, and I am happy for anyone that can handle themselves in a manner where certain things that may affect others doesn't so the same for them. However, for those of us that have dealt with trying times in not only recent years, but at various other times in our lives as well, finding ways to stay motivated in the midst of those times can be a daunting challenge. Despite the challenges that may come along with trying to stay motivated in trying times, it is of great importance for us to find a way to do so. 


What's going on everybody? This is Brad H. back once more to bring you all another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! We are back for another installment of motivation that will hopefully help us to keep progressing in our lives. Thank you all for joining me for another topic that will likely be the last one for 2021. It is so hard to believe that we have made it to the month of December once again. I just wanted to use my soapbox to express how grateful I am to everyone that have been continually coming here to read my thoughts. Even though I get a great deal of gratification and personal benefit by sharing my thoughts, knowing that there are other people in this world that find value in what I share means way more to me. I know that this has been a year where I have slacked off from how I had been doing things in the past several years, and that is something that I will likely address in the first topic for the upcoming year. However, I had quite a few personal challenges just like pretty much everyone has this year that forced me to not be as attentive to this blog. All that said, I appreciate everyone that has stuck with me, and I am hopeful that we can head into 2022 with a positive mindset. So now that I have addressed all of that and gotten on my soapbox for a bit, lets go ahead and talk about the importance of staying motivated during trying times. 

So I talked in the opening about perspective and how it relates to coping with trying times. One of the reasons for me wanting to write about this topic deals with the state of our world. I pointed out earlier how the past couple of years have been challenging for so many people. Those challenges are much of the inspiration behind this. For the most part, everything that I am going to address in this post will all come down to everyone's personal perspective. Trying times will mean different things for different people, but the main theme is that we want to focus on within this topic is how to get through those tough times. Now due to the fact that trying times are going to mean different things for different people, it would make sense that motivation would also, right? For example, there are some people in this world that are able to navigate through trying times without being affected by it much. Then there are those of us that may find ourselves struggling with staying motivated during trying times. You know when you suffer a setback on something that you may be passionate about, it can be hard sometimes to maintain that desire to keep pursuing it. The latter is what we're going to be giving credence to with this topic of staying motivated during trying times. 

Before going into the importance of staying motivated during trying times, I think we must first give a few examples of how to stay motivated. Staying motivated with anything is a challenge in and of itself, let alone trying to do so in an ever changing world. I pondered on this earlier this week, and here is what I was able to come up with. First off, keeping up with good habits during trying times help in keeping us motivated. A lot of times we has people use setbacks and hardships as reasons to give up. We have to stay on top of the good things in our lives regardless of what's happening. Secondly, thinking about the people that depend on you helps with motivation. No matter who you are in this world, you probably have someone or a group of people that rely on you. Maybe you have kids that rely on you, or a elderly parent, etc. For most people, letting down others that depend on them is not an option. We have to always be mindful of them despite any hardships we're facing. Finally, set some daily goals for yourself. So many of us get so caught up in having big goals that we forget that the small goals matter also. Setting small goals regardless of what they may be gives us something to look forward to daily. From my perspective, I believe this is helpful when it comes to dealing with trying times. 

So I've defined what I believe trying times to be, and I've given a few techniques that I believe that help with staying motivated during trying times. So why do I believe it is of importance for us to stay motivated during trying time? The obvious answer would be that if you choose not to stay motivated, you are going to likely get swept away by life. While I believe that this is definitely true, I personally believe the importance of staying motivated during hard times stems from hard times themselves. What I mean by this is that trying times are always going to be a part of our lives for as long as we live. As long as you are breathing, you are going to be challenged by life in some way or another. Trying times are inevitable, and they are always lurking around the corner. I believe from my own perspective that finding ways to stay motivated during trying times help us to better cope with them in the future. One thing about trying times is that they come in so many ways that are often unique to us as individuals. There are going to be moments where they are tougher compared to other times, but the constant is that they are always going to exist. I believe that if there is something in this life that you can't stop completely, you have to learn how to adapt. So to sum it all up, you have to try and stay motivate during trying times because your next obstacle is always waiting for you. In order to prepare ourselves, we have to work towards staying motivated. 

That is what I got for you all this time around. I hope that you all were able to take some positive away from this topic. I also hope that I presented it in a way that had meaning and understanding. I'd like to thank you all once again for stopping through for another topic on 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! Before I go, I want to thank you all once again for the continued support and feedback over this year. 2021 has been a very interesting year in so many ways. Hopefully we all make it to 2022 and it brings us much better than this year did. You all have a great rest of the weekend, and I'll see you all in 2022. Have a happy holiday season everyone! Peace out!

©2021 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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