Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Importance Of Understanding The Potential Consequences Of Avoiding Your Problems.

There is a very well known term known as "fight or flight" that has been used to describe how people react when it comes to stressful situations. The fight or flight mentality is basically an individual's response to circumstances that are deemed as scary or stressful. Now being that I'm far a medical expert, I'm not going to even attempt to go more in depth on the science of fight or flight. However, I do think that the fight or flight response plays a role when it comes to certain situations that we may find ourselves in. Though it may not be as literal, fight or flight often comes into play when it comes down to the problems that we may encounter in life. There are times in our lives where we will face issues that we will choose to face head on. As soon as the problem arises, we find that that we're facing it head on in an attempt to fix it. This is from my own perspective what it means to fight against our problems. On the other side of the coin, there are going to be times where we avoid various problems that we're facing. This is a scenario where we make a conscious decision to just not face whatever the issue is. This is where the flight aspect of facing our problems comes into play from my perspective. Every single one of us are going to face problems in our lives at some point, and the reality is that the way we choose to handle those problems can have potential consequences. I believe this especially applies when we choose to avoid our problems. 


Hello to you all! This is Brad H. back to bring you all another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am back to bring my perspective on a topic that can hopefully be beneficial to our lives. I hope all has been good and well for everybody since the last topic. It's so hard to believe that we are nearing the end of November. Wow! Another year that has gone by so, so fast. So for my soapbox this go around, I'm going to address the importance of staying guard towards weird things happening this time of the year. Most of us love the holidays because they bring us closer to our family and friends. I get it, and it's totally understandable. However, I just want everyone to be aware that this time of the year is when wonky things tend to happen. I know that I have personally experienced this, especially back in 2015, 2016 and 2017. I've already had some out of the ordinary things happen at the end of October, and the same applies for this month. I guess I just want to encourage everyone to not be complacent since we are in the holiday season. If you are able to do so, please save up or put back some money because there may be something that happens unexpectedly. I'm just speaking from my perspective, but I'm sure some of you out there can relate to wild things happening around this time of the year. At any rate, I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday months. Treasure and relish them because it will be a new year before we know. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, lets talk about the importance of understanding the potential consequences of avoiding our problems. 

Now I talked about the fight or flight response earlier as a comparison when it comes to the decision to either face or avoid our problems. I don't want this to be viewed in a literal sense, because the most often way our society views the fight or flight response is used is associated with physical harm and danger. The problems that I am using as a reference point for this topic are not as serious as being in physical harm or danger, but rather to the various poor decisions that many of us will make in our lives. This week's topic is something that is somewhat personal to me due to a recent encounter that I had. I'm not going to go into the details of what happened, but lets just say that choosing to ignore past mistakes can find a way to catch up with us in the present. For those of you that may be wondering if what I'm referring to is something to be concerned about, it is nothing major and I am totally fine. I just wish that I had chosen to confront the issue back when it probably easier to address. At any rate, I hope that this will be a topic that will serve as some encouragement to not brush off certain things that you find yourself facing. Believe me, I understand that most of us believe that ignoring certain things will make them disappear, but that is often not the case at all. There may be instances where ignoring things work out in your favor, but that isn't something that I think we should put a lot of stock into. 

Facing our problems head on or using the fight aspect when it comes to the fight or flight response isn't always the easiest thing to do. Often times when a person makes the decision to face things head on, they are automatically putting themselves into a state of discomfort. I personally believe from my perspective that this is the harder route to take in the beginning, but the potential upside about this approach it that often means that whatever you're dealing with won't be an issue later on. I believe that not only does accepting our problems head on help us to deal with them sooner, but it also helps us mentally. I believe personal growth happens when we push ourselves to go outside of what makes us comfortable. A person that has tested themselves enough when it comes to facing pitfalls in life will likely have the mental fortitude to continuously do so in the future. Now when it comes to the flight aspect of facing our problems, you are taking the route that is probably the most safest. However, the safest option depending on the context of whatever situation you're in may not always be the best route to take. Sure there are going to be times where you ignore your problems and they will disappear on their own. However, what happens when you ignore something that has no way of completely going away? I believe that this is where the potential consequences of not addressing our problems can come back to haunt us.  


There is a way of thinking that goes along the lines of when you don't give your energy to something that it doesn't exist. While this may be a truism when it comes to various aspects of life, it definitely doesn't always apply. There are going to be certain problems that we may ignore that will grow and fester because we didn't face them head on. When this happens, this is where things tend to get a whole lot worse for us. From my perspective, this is why we have to understand the potential consequences that can come along with brushing off our problems. Ignoring our problems will always be a short term fix, and just like I stated earlier that there is a mental aspect to facing things head on, this also applies when it comes to taking the flight mode. A person that has squared away and resolved any issues that they're facing will always sleep better at night compared to someone that doesn't address their issues. The bottom line that I hope we are all able to take away from this topic is that we can create an entire new set of problems for ourselves if we don't tackle them early on. Again, this isn't always the easiest thing to do, but sometimes in life we have to take the tougher route in order to live better later on down the road. I hope you all are able to just view this as some encouragement to tackle that next problem you have head on when it arises.

That is what I got for you all this time around. I hope that you all were able to take away something positive from this topic. Like always, please feel free to leave any feedback in the comment box. If you are on Twitter and would like to connect, you can follow me @BradrickH. Well I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend. We have the Thanksgiving holiday coming up shortly. For those that celebrate this day, I hope you enjoy the day. This has been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' brought to you all by Brad H. Take care everyone, and I will see you all on the next go round. Peace!

©2021 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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