Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Importance Of Using Your Time To Develop Yourself.

I can't recall at the moment exactly what show it is, but there is a quote from this particular show that I'm referring to that has stayed in my mind since hearing it. The quote goes; "Time runs us all." We are all given a limited amount of time to live here on this planet. Exactly how much time that we have here is something that we don't know, nor do we always have control over it. However, what we choose to do with our time is something that we have complete control of. It appears to me that in the society that we live in today, many of us don't utilize the time that we're given to its full potential. Not saying that this hasn't been going on for many years, because it most certainly has, however, the world we live in today seems to value a lot of meaningless things when it comes to valuing our time. We spend much of our time gossiping and paying attention to a lot of mindless and zombie style brainwashing via social media and entertainment. Now in saying that, I'm in no way attempting to bash people that participate in these things on a regular basis. Besides the gossiping aspect of entertainment, which is something that I would never endorse doing, we all enjoy and should be able to engage in things that entertain us from time to time. But when it comes to our time and how we spend it, one thing that we often neglect is using our time to work on and develop ourselves. Because our time here is precious and limited along with not always knowing how much time we have left here, I believe it is of utmost importance to use our time to work towards developing ourselves.

Welcome back once again good people! It is ya boy Brad H. back once again to bring you all another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! We're here again to drop some valuable knowledge and inspiration here that will hopefully inspire us all to become a better version of ourselves. I thank everyone once again in advance if you're taking out the time to read this here. We have arrived at the month of December, which means that the year 2017 is winding down to its end real soon. I'll probably reflect more on this year and some of the struggles that I've had to face this year in the final topic that I write on in the next installment. What I want to use my soapbox to address here is something that seems to happen every year before the upcoming year comes in. Most, if not all of us are always happy and excited for the holidays. The holiday season represents many things, but they mainly coincide with appreciating and spending times with our loved ones. Even though the holidays are a great time of the year for many, there are also many people that are and have endured losing loved ones around this time of the year. I myself can identify with this as I lost someone very close to me on the week of Thanksgiving back in 2013. I'm sure that many of you have dealt with the loss of a loved one during the holidays as well. One thing that I always heard my grandmother say is that a certain amount of people have to leave this world before the new year comes in. After seeing and hearing about so many people die around the holidays over the years, some in ways that you wouldn't expect, I totally get what she was saying now. Many people won't make it to see this upcoming new year, and it can be anyone of us. With that said, I hope that we all can remember to value whatever time we have here. Also, use this time of the year to reflect and remember those that are no longer here with us. That's pretty much all I want to say in regards to that, so lets go ahead and transition into this week's topic of using our time to develop ourselves.

Like I normally address before going into the meat of the topic for the week, I'd like to go ahead and give my regular disclaimer. We all have different views and opinions on how we see things. Trying to change other peoples minds isn't the objective here. The mission is to put out positive energy that will help keep us all motivated in this life. Although I'm not aiming to alter anyone's opinions, I do hope that through this process that I am able to help other people to think about topics in a manner in which they may not have before. Basically we're trying to encourage, and provide some insight that will hopefully get us to thinking about certain things. As I mention in all of my topics, I am just one individual that has an opinion, and I do not expect everyone to share in my views. Whether you agree or disagree with my opinions is totally fine. Whatever your beliefs may be, I am still glad to have you here. As for how this topic came to be, there isn't anything that has happened or I saw that I can definitively say that caused me to write about this particular topic. All I can really attribute it to is just sitting around one day thinking about how much we often waste our time, often on meaningless things. As someone that has developed an almost obsessive love with personal development over the past 3 years, I feel that I should address how important it is that we use our time to work on ourselves. If you're someone that is happy and stable in where you are in your life, this topic probably won't matter to you as much. This is a topic that those of us that have maybe looked back and realize that we could have done more to develop ourselves instead of consistently engaging in meaningless things.

As I hinted at earlier in this post, many of us in today's society are over consumed with being entertained. Again, I'm not saying that it is wrong to want to be entertained, but I think most of us can admit that we give too much time and energy towards it. Think about this for just a second; how many times have you opted to watch television instead of reading a self-improvement book? How often have you mindlessly browsed through social media instead of taking a walk or jog around your block? If we're being honest with ourselves, most of us can probably admit that we haven't properly prioritized our time. There is nothing wrong with doing the things that you enjoy that are related to being entertained. However, reaching your own personal potential and taking care of the important things in your life should always come first before entertainment. I always tell others that spending hours upon hours of time on social media platforms like Snapchat and Facebook should only be for people that have reached the level of success they're trying to achieve in their life. Yet, most of the time we often see so many people using these platforms to either complain about how bad their life is, or they're way too interested in what is going on in other people's lives. Question; how exactly does being overly consumed with what other people are doing in their lives is helping us? These media personalities and celebrities that we worry about following so much aren't doing anything to help better us, yet we spend hours and hours of time worrying about what is happening in their lives. Doesn't seem quite right when you think about it, does it?

So if you're spending all this time keeping up with what everyone else is doing, what exactly are you doing to improve yourself? There are many of us that talk about various things that we want to do in our lives, whether it be the present, or the future. We talk about these things we hope to do, yet we don't always apply the necessary time that is needed to reach these goals. There in lies the importance of why we need to use our time wisely. From my perspective, much of the time that we waste on things that do absolutely nothing to help better us in any aspect of our lives is one of the main reasons we never fully reach our capabilities. It doesn't make much sense to repeatedly say that I'm going to, or I want to do this and that, yet you don't put any time towards what you're wanting to do. Now understandably so, many of us likely feel as if we have time to become the best versions of ourselves. You could probably be right if you do have that mindset, however, there is really no way to really know is it? As I mentioned earlier, we don't know when time is going to run out for us. You have to think of your life as an hourglass, and with everyday that goes by, the sand in that hourglass decreases bit by bit. Everyday that passes us by that we haven't learned anything to better ourselves is another day that is likely wasted. Some of us say that we're going to change "someday", but there isn't a day of the week named "someday". All we have is the present, and what time better than any to take the necessary steps to better ourselves?

The main goal with this week's post is to let everyone know that time isn't on our side when it comes to accomplishing things. I know that sounds simple and it is something that we've all heard countless time. However, I feel that this is something that can never be addressed too much. Again, if you're a person that is happy and content within your life, you can go ahead and indulge in various forms of entertainment and fun. But if you're someone that wants to better yourself and hope to become the best individual that you can be, lets cut out a lot of the bad habits and behaviors that do little to nothing to help us. You don't want to be that person that ends up with health problems later on in life that could have been prevented if you got up off the couch and walked around the block daily. The time is now folks, so use it wisely. The quote that I'm going to leave you all with comes from The Dalai Lama. I think this is a pretty good one. It reads; "Everyday think as you wake up today that I am fortunate to have woken up. I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to othrs, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can."

We are once again at the end of another topic for the week. Much thanks once again to you all that peeped out another edition of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! As usual, I hope that there was some understanding and inspiration that could be gained from this. If you have any comments or feedback, feel free to drop those down below. Also you can ask or follow me on Twitter @BradrickH. Well I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable weekend, and an even greater week ahead. Be sure to keep in your thoughts those that have lost a loved one during the holidays, and lets continue to reflect and remember those that are no longer with us. We still got a few weeks left in this year, so lets try to make them the best weeks of this year. Take care everyone, and I'll see you all in the next one. Peace!

©2017 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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