Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Importance Of Knowing When There Is Better For You Out There.

I think that we can all agree with the idea that we as human-beings are very emotional beings. Now there are always variances when it comes to emotions and how they play a role in our lives. Some people are more emotional than others, but the fact remains that to be human is to have emotions. Try as we may, emotions are sometimes hard for us to grasp or understand. Furthermore, depending on the person and their level of understanding when it comes to their emotions, controlling emotions can be a daunting task as well. For the good majority of us that exist within this world, our emotions are usually the driving factor in the choices that we make. You will be hard pressed to find a person that is the same every single day. Depending on how a person feels emotionally at the time you encounter them plays a huge role in how that person will react. Now why do I bring all of this up about emotions? Well simply stated, our emotions and the lack of control of them often keeps us in situations that are no longer beneficial for us. In other words, our emotions can allow us to become attached to something or someone that may no longer be worthy of our time and energy. This is why I feel that it is of importance for us to know when there is something better for us that exists within this world.

What's going on everyone? This is Brad H. coming at you all once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am here once again to present you all with a topic that I think would be beneficial in helping us to keep moving forward. I think that most of us can admit that we could use all the inspiration that we can get during these times we're living in now. So for my soapbox this week, I'm going to continue with the theme that I've brought up in the last couple of topics, which has to do with the Coronovirus pandemic that we're currently in. So I saw a segment on CNN last week where a reporter was on location at a church and interviewed a woman that was a member of that church. We're all aware that most states are under stay at home orders in order to curve the spread of the virus. However, this particular church was having a night service despite social distancing being encouraged by the government and media. Anyway, this woman that was being interviewed was defiant in her belief that she was within her right to attend church, and she went on to say that she wasn't concerned about contracting the virus. The reporter then asked her about the idea of her spreading it to someone else. You can probably tell how that went, but the point I want to make is that we have to protect one another during this time. Just because you may not be worried about contracting the virus doesn't mean that you won't spread it to another person. It is clear that people react in different ways to this, so while you may be okay contracting it, that may not be the case for another person. Just thought I would bring that up quickly, so lets transition into this week's topic of knowing when there is better for you.

Now I brought up earlier how our emotions are often a guiding factor in the things and people that we give our time and attention to. When we feel emotionally attached to something or someone, we often govern our actions in a different manner than we would if those emotions weren't involved. Just think for a second of all the people in life that you feel some form of attachment to. You are going to treat them differently than someone that you have no form of emotional attachment to. Now there is nothing wrong with having an emotional attachment to other people. Again, we are humans, not machines. Some people will try and make it seem like having an emotional attachment to others is bad, but I'm not one of those people that has a unrealistic viewpoint when it comes to that. However, I do feel that there is a big difference between having an attachment to something or someone, and on the flip side of that, being overly obsessed with something. I believe the potential downsides of being attached to things creep in when we fail to have a healthy balance of being emotional.

Now again, emotions are a part of life, but you don't want to be someone that is a slave to your emotions. See from my perspective, when you are a slave to your emotions, you can find yourself easily in situations and circumstances that you can outgrow eventually. One of the biggest examples that I can think of right now is something that all of us are experiencing now, or we've went through it in our life before. I'm sure most of you know where I'm headed with this, but just in case you don't know yet what I'm referring to, I'm talking about being in love with someone. Now not everyone will experience what I am about to say, but not everyone that you fall in love with is the person that you're meant to spend the rest of your life with. People sometimes grow apart, and there are numerous reasons why this happens. Often times life just drives people away from one another. I know that isn't something that most of us like to think about, but we all know that this is one of the hard truths that come along with living life. Now from my perspective, one of the worst things we as people can do is stay in a situation that is no longer befitting to us. This ultimately brings us to the main theme of this topic of the importance of knowing when there is better for you out there.

So why is it of importance to know when there is something better for you out there in this world? From my viewpoint on this, knowing when something greater awaits you helps you to remove yourself from the things and people that are no longer on your wavelength. Now some people will say that walking away from things and people that no longer serve you is easy right? Well remember how we talked at length about emotions? Anyone that is or has been emotionally attached to anything will admit that it isn't always easy to just leave something that you're attached to. However, a person that has a grasp on their emotions and not a slave to them not only loves themselves enough to remove themselves from situations beneath them, but they also look towards the future with optimism. One important thing that many of us forget is that there is always upside in this life. Now in saying that, I'm not saying you shouldn't never be content with what you have. However, what I am saying is that if you find that people and circumstances in your life are no longer aligned with the person that you've become, it is perfectly okay to step away from those situations. This is definitely not an easy thing to do, but understanding that the possibilities for better are endless with give us all the motivation we need to carry on.

That is pretty much all that I got for you all this week. I hope that those of you that made it this far enjoyed the topic and found some meaning in it. This has once again been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am Brad H., and I'd like to once again thank all of you that stopped through. If any of you have any comments or feedback to contribute, please do so in the comment section. If you're on Twitter and would like to connect with me, hit me up at the handle @BradrickH. Well it is time for me to sign off for now, so I will speak with you all on the next topic. Please stay safe out there, and don't forget that now, probably more than ever is the time for us to look out for one another. Have a great week ahead, and I'll talk to you all soon. Peace!

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I agree because I am still trying to get to the point of where my emotions do not lead me.

  2. @Jessysweet, Thank you! It's something that is a process that we have to continually work on. Thank you for commenting!

  3. It is a very tedious one but I am game to do itm
