Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Importance Of Adapting To Rough Circumstances.

For as song as I have been alive, I've consistently heard throughout my life that we as human-beings are adaptable. The same way that animals adapt to their environment in order to ensure their survival, we as humans possess the same type of adaptability. Now I will admit that despite the many differences that exist between animals and humans, there are many similarities as well. Now I could be wrong with what I am about to say, but I believe that animals do better at adapting than we do. Again I could be wrong, but I do believe that to be the case. We could probably could up with a slew of reasons as to why animals are more adaptable, but the reasons are pretty pointless in regards to addressing this topic. As the entire world is aware of right now, we are all being affected in some way by the Coronavirus pandemic that has brought life as we know it for most of us to a standstill. We all have our individuals stories on how this global catastrophe is affecting our everyday lives, and it is truly something that the good majority of us have never witnessed in our lives. Beyond the stories and how we're being affected by this virus, we all have our own personal reactions and way to coping with this thing. Some people are adjusting to this current way of living that we're enduring, while others are having a harder time adapting. This ultimately brings us to the importance of being able to adapt to rough circumstances.

Hey, how's it going out there everyone? This is Brad H. back once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! This the spot where I give my personal perspective on a topic that I think would be helpful towards helping us stay motivated throughout our journey of life. This is normally the part of the post where I talk about something besides the topic at hand, however, due to the circumstances that we're all having to deal with on a global scale, this week's soapbox is going to blend into the topic at hand for this week. For the past two topics that I've covered on here, I've talked about the talk of the world in the soapbox section. That would be the Coronavirus of course, but instead of talking about the importance of being safe and doing the things to prevent from potentially getting the virus as I did in the previous topics, I want to talk about the importance adapting to what's happening. Now I'm far from an expert or anything when it comes to this pandemic, but it is increasingly start to feel like this virus is something that we're going to be dealing with for a lengthy amount of time. We've all heard different estimates as to when it's going to end, and the truth is that no one truly knows when things will get back to normal. While we're stuck in this season of change and unfamiliar territory, why not use this opportunity to talk about the importance of adapting.

Now I started this week's topic out by talking about how we as human-beings are adaptable creatures. Though this holds true and has been proven throughout history, change and adaptability doesn't always come easy for everyone. Because we're all unique individuals with different ways of viewing and processing things, it would be naive to believe that everyone adapts to things in the same time or manner. Now the title of this topic refers to the importance of adapting to rough circumstances, but what exactly is a rough circumstance when it comes to adapting? As with most topics that are viewed as circumstantial, this is totally subjective and depends on what someone defines as being a rough circumstance. However, as I referenced throughout this topic so far, I'm going to use this Coronavirus pandemic that we're currently in as the main example of a rough circumstance. Now I do realize that some of you may not view it in that type of manner, but I also know there are quite a few people that sees this as a full blown crisis that is affecting out everyday way of living. I know this because of how I'm personally seeing people react to this situation. Some of you may have people that you're close with that aren't handling this situation the best. We're not here to judge or shun anyone for this, but I do feel that despite this rough time that there is an opportunity to take some positive away from it.

Now of course I'm not going to speak for anyone else or their viewpoint on the effects that the Coronavirus is having on our planet, but just speaking from my own perspective, not everyone is handling the effects on this situation in necessarily the best manner. Again, this isn't meant to judge anyone, but this is something that I feel the need to point out in order to get the main point of this week's topic across. Now what do I mean by saying this, some of you may wonder? A lot of us right now are falling apart because of how our lives have been upended by this crisis. For example, being forced to stay in the house to maintain social distancing is taking its toll on people that are used to being out and about on the daily. For others, being in a situation where you can't go out and eat at your favorite restaurant is making people sad and depressed. These are just a couple of examples, but we can all come up with ways that this pandemic is causing us to step away from the things we enjoy. All of this is understandable due to the fact that we've been accustomed to our normal way of living life. However, from my perspective, now is not the time for us to be falling apart because of what is going on. Now is the time for us to put those skills of adaptation into action.

So what does it mean to adapt to situations and circumstances that would be deemed as being rough? Well from my own perspective, I believe that adapting to a situation is when a person can accept what's happening, but also find the mental fortitude to be able to use that situation to better equip themselves to handle it. So for example; when it comes to the global pandemic that we're in now and how it has halted much of our normal routines, now is the time to develop new habits. This is the time where you have to look towards something in your life that you feel may be lacking, and then use that extra time to do things that will help you rise above the situation at hand. We can't do this if we're sitting around wallowing because our lives have changed drastically because of what's going on. Now is the time to adapt and build ourselves up to battle this situation in a manner in which we can benefit from it. From my perspective, this is why I feel it is of importance for us to be able to adapt to the rough circumstances in our lives. Before I close out this topic, I want to say that this doesn't only apply to the Coronavirus. It can be any aspect of our lives that present obstacles that we have to overcome. So with all that being said, lets use that innate ability to adapt that exists within us all.

That's all that I got for this week's topic on the importance of adapting to rough circumstances. I hope that I was able to present this in a manner that you all could relate to. It's time for me to sign off, but I thank you all for stopping by once again for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! If any of you have any feedback to contribute, please feel free to do so in the comment section. If you're on Twitter and would like to connect with me on there, hit me up at the handle @BradrickH. Well I hope you all have a great week ahead. I know that we're in some pretty uncharted territory in our history, but we must pull together to get through this. Stay strong everyone, and I'll see you all on the next topic. Peace out!

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I agree that animals are adapting better than humans. Especially since humans make animals adapt more than ever.

  2. @Jessysweet, Well stated friend! I love that comment!
