Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Importance Of Having A Strong Cabinet Around You (Solid People You Can Consult With).

Though cabinets are something that exist within the kitchen and bathrooms of the homes that we live in, they are an item that most people probably rarely think of or pay much attention to. That is unless you're in a profession where you install or paint them, or maybe you're in the field of interior decorating. For most that don't think of or pay close attention to cabinets, you may not care much how they look, but you do count on them to be strong and sturdy right? You know what? Let me stop bluffing here. I'm certain that most of you can deduce that this topic has absolutely nothing to do with the cabinets that exist within homes. While I do hope that you all have strong cabinets within your homes, I'm referring more to another form of cabinet. By now, most of us understand how the government works in regards to positions of leadership. Take a president for example, and this can be a president in any form whether it be government, private sector, etc. Most presidents have a group of advisers that are often referred to as a cabinet. The cabinet is a small group of people that the president often consults with before making important decisions. These are people whom decision making abilities that the president trusts. He also puts trust his cabinet to have his best interests in mind when it comes to the moves and decisions that he plans to execute. If you ask me, being part of a president's cabinet comes with a lot of responsibility. So what does this have to do with us when it comes to our lives you may wonder? Well if you think about it for a second, we are our own president when it comes to our individual lives right? We have to make decisions sometimes, and some of these decisions aren't always easy to make. Often times when we're faced with trying times and decisions that are of importance, we defer to our cabinet. That being said, not all members of your cabinet will have your best interest in mind, which means you have to be able to discern who and who doesn't belong in your cabinet.

Hey, what's going on everyone. This is Brad H. back once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am here once again to present you all with another topic that I think could serve as some inspiration to us all. This is just all about me giving my own personal perspective on the things that I think of and encounter on a frequent basis. For all of you that are frequent visitors, thank you for joining me once again. For those that may be visiting here for the first time, I'm glad to have you stop through, and I hope that this won't be your last visit here. Christmas is only a couple of days away, so this will officially be the last post on this site for the year. I'd like to go ahead and wish everyone a Merry Christmas in advance. So for my soapbox this week, I'm not going to talk about anything sports related or anything in the news. Since this will be the last topic that I cover for 2018, I'd like to reflect a bit on this year. I think a lot of people like to reflect on the year before we head into a new one. For me personally, 2018 was a year that was filled with highs and lows. I'm sure most of you can relate to that. It started out really well the first few months. I got to experience a few things that I had been wanting to for awhile, and my birthday back in March was one of the best birthdays that I've had in my life. As the year progressed, things got a bit more challenging. There were some health related issues going on with a family member that I'm close with, and there were some other circumstances surrounding family that somewhat turned my world upside down. Adjusting to change isn't always easy for some people, and I will admit that I'm one that struggles with this. That being said, I think about this post that I came across a couple of months back titled "The 7 Rules of Life." Number 3 on the list was, "Time heals all wounds, give it time." Now I do agree with this, but in saying that, we never know how much time will need to pass in order for us to move on from something. What I can say however is that everyday that we show up and make it through is another day where we've built strength towards moving forward. I know that many of us are in phases of our lives where we're trying to heal or adjust from changes. It can be difficult at times, but we have to keep on showing up. So I just want to encourage anyone that faced any type of adversity this year to know that things can and will improve, but you have to keep showing up. I hope this encourages someone out there. Alright, now lets go ahead and talk about this week's topic of building a solid cabinet.

Now it is time for me to give the standard disclaimer that I give before going more in depth into what we're going to be discussing for this installment. We're all aware by that we're all different and unique individuals in our own right. Our physical features are different, as well as the way that we all think and see the world. Since we're all unique in how we view this world, it isn't feasible to believe that we're always going to agree or see eye-to-eye. The main mission that I have with these topics isn't to focus on right or wrong, but rather to encourage others (and myself) to open our minds up to the possibilities that being open minded can bring. I believe that we all have the capability to inspire others, but I also believe that we all have the knowledge within us to open up the minds of others. As I've stated before, the topics that I write on aren't intended just to one thing only. I just hope that whatever anyone can take from what I discuss is something that is deemed positive and inspirational. So how did I arrive at this particular topic of having a strong cabinet? By now I'm sure that most of you that frequently read my topics are aware that I draw a lot of inspiration from what others say. I was on Youtube last week, and I was listening to a video where a guy was talking about relationships. One of the points that he referenced to was consulting with your cabinet before getting into a relationship with someone. The idea that he was conveying was that if you want to know if someone is right for you, you have to consult with people that you're close to for their advice. Now whether you believe that to be true or not is up to you. My site and the topics of interest that I bring up aren't about relationships, but rather offering inspiration for life in general. Being that this man brought up the importance of having a cabinet in a way that I never considered before, I thought I would attempt to relate it to our lives when it comes having solid people around us. I'm going to try and show why I feel it is important to have a strong cabinet, and how your cabinet says a lot about who we are. So with all of that being said, lets go ahead and get into it.

Now I believe it is safe to say that most of us do indeed have a cabinet around us. I believe that our family members are people that can be a part of our cabinet. Of course we have friends and colleagues that we can consider as a part of our inner circle. The idea of this topic isn't to put emphasis on how to build a cabinet. I believe that by now that most of us already have a cabinet in our corner. The main question is what kind of cabinet that we have in our lives? What kind of people are we associating with? What type of people are we consulting whenever we're in need of assistance? These are the questions that I'm focusing on here, because if we're being totally truthful about the matter, not everyone has a solid cabinet to assist them whenever their in need. Most of us have had people tell us that they're here for us and all of that, but when the time comes when you need them to be there for you, they weren't there. Think of the crisis and decisions in your life as if they are meetings with your cabinet. Now I get that things happen, and there are some circumstances where an individual can't always be there. We can't always hold it against someone when they're not able to be around sometimes. However, I do feel we have the right to hold it against people when they're not being consistent when it comes to being a part of your cabinet. In other words, it's okay if a cabinet member of yours misses a few meetings because they have matters in their own life that they need to prioritize. But if you find yourself in a situation where the lack of times where they're not showing begin to outweigh the meetings they attend, then it is safe to say that the particular member of your cabinet doing this likely needs to be removed or demoted. The thing to remember with a cabinet in any capacity is that it is constantly changing. Some members of your cabinet will stay on for longer periods than others, which means that it is okay if you have to sometimes make changes to your cabinet.

Now that I've established what a cabinet is in regards to dealing with people in our lives, I want to get into why it is important to have a strong cabinet around you. Now as I mentioned earlier, we all have some sort of cabinet around us. Though having a cabinet is important, it is also important to have a cabinet that will shoot straight with you. I mention this because though many of us have a group of people that we may sometimes consult with when it comes to making decisions, some of these people may not always know the best decision that is right for us. Picture the following as an example. We all know that celebrities have their own inner circle that is similar to a cabinet right? Imagine that most of the people in an individual celebrity's cabinet are people that are benefiting from being in this person's cabinet. They probably have access to all the parties, fame, and other things that come along with being around someone famous. Now lets imagine that a person in this celebrity's inner may not necessarily agree with something their celebrity friend is doing, but they also know that saying something to them will likely anger them to the point where they're willing to cut that person out of their inner circle. If the friend to the celebrity only cares about their own life and how they wouldn't want to lose the perks that come along with being around someone famous, they probably aren't going to say anything. However, if they genuinely care about their friend, they will tell them how they really feel, even if it angers them. Now I know none of us are celebs, but the fact of the matter is that some of us have these type of people in our cabinets. One of the nicknames they are often likened to is a "yes man". These are people that are benefiting in some kind of way from being close to you, but care more about how they're able to benefit rather than caring about what is best for you. These are the kind of people that don't need to be in your cabinet. Being a part of someone's cabinet doesn't always mean you're going to see eye-to-eye. What it does mean is that you have people that care about you enough to tell you when something you're doing isn't right.

Continuing on with the importance of having a strong cabinet deals with the fact that we aren't always experienced enough to make certain decisions. What do I mean by this? Simply put, there is a reason why nearly every single one of us have people in our lives that have more experience on certain matters than we do. I believe that one of the reasons why these people are placed in our lives for that purpose. Sometimes another person can see something that you don't get initially, and this is why it is crucial to take into considering what these people think. It doesn't always need to be limited to just one person either. Sometimes it behooves us to get the thoughts and ideas of several people to form a decision. This is why I feel that we all need to have a solid cabinet in our lives. Too many of us have shaky and unreliable people that are a part of our inner circle, and then we wonder why these people aren't never around when we need them. Just like the old saying goes; you are a product of the company that you keep. Even if it may not always be something you may want to hear from others, try and put people in your cabinet that will care about you, but will always keep it real with you when you're wrong or messing up. The only way to learn and grow from our mistakes is to first be aware of them. Sometimes it takes other people to make us aware that the way we're doing things may not always be right. A new year is quickly approaching us, so for everyone that has a shaky group of cabinet members, I want you to rethink and make adjustments to your cabinet if you deem it is necessary. Lets go into the new year with a strong and stable cabinet of individuals that have our best interest at heart, and make an attempt to cut out those that are missing in action when those meetings of life take place. We have to choose our decisions wisely, but we also have to choose wisely the people we put in position to help aid us in those decisions.

Well I think I'll go ahead and end this topic on that note. This has been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' once again brought to you by Brad H. Before closing like always, I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that was able to be taken away from this. I also hope that if anyone has any feedback or comments to add on that you will leave those as well. You can also follow or hit me up on Twitter at the handle @BradrickH. I'd like to once again thank every single person that has read, commenting, and visited my site. I cannot say that enough. I hope that each and every one of you has a very Merry Christmas, and an even happier 2019 ahead. I look forward to interacting with you all next year. Till that time comes, I wish you all the best. See you in 2019! Peace!

©2018 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Dilemma That Is Caring About What Other People Think Of You.

I believe the idea of caring about what other people may think of us is one that can be a tough nut to crack. It's something that is constantly talked about among people. As with nearly every other aspect of life, it is one of those things in life that has a degree of variance. You have some people that claim not to care what other people think of them under any circumstances, and you have those people that care only when it comes to the opinions of certain individuals. Adding to that, you also have people that claim to not care what people think of them, yet it is all for show because they know deep down within themselves that they actually do care. Again, this is one of those things that has so many different ways of being viewed. It is for that reason that I consider it to be a dilemma for so many people in this world. Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, the thoughts and opinions of other people always have a degree of influence in this life. When a politician decides to run for a position in government, their ideas are shaped by the opinions of the voters. When a person goes for a certain position in a company, making a good impression on whomever is interviewing that person matters. It matters because the impression that person makes will often determine whether or not the interviewer will hire that person, which is a form of having to care what someone else thinks. People are always going to be judging others at some level or another, which is why the thoughts and opinions of others is something that we will never be able to completely escape. I indeed believe that it is important to care about the opinions of others. However, I do believe that it all comes down to perspective and prioritization. Since I have deemed this topic of caring about what others think as being a dilemma, I believe I should give my own personal perspective on when I feel it okay to care or not care about what other people may think of us.

What's up once again everyone in internet land? It is I, Brad H. back once again to bring you all another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! For those that may not be a first time reader on here, this is an hub that I use to give my perspective on various topics that I think about and encounter in my life. Through the process of me giving my perspective, I try to paint a canvas of words that will hopefully serve as motivation and inspiration to others. Whether you are a first time visitor or a long time reader, I appreciate everybody that is tuning in. Wow, we are officially in the month of December! I can't speak for anyone else, but it is hard for me to believe that this year has flown by this fast. For me personally, it feels as if only 5 or 6 months have passed since January was here. I'd like to know something for those of you that would care to chime in. Am I the only one that feels like life tends to speed up the older that you get? I think that I may have asked that question before on here in the past, but I really would like for some of you that are 30 plus to respond if you'd like. I know that December is a special month for so many people that celebrate the Christmas holidays. This is the time of the year where we hang up Christmas trees, and exchange gifts with one another. However, and I've said this before several times, be mindful of those that are grieving during this season. I'm sure by now that most of you already know that quite a few deaths happen around this time of the year. This time of the years is supposed to be happy and joyous, but that just isn't the case for everyone. So I just want to challenge everyone to spend time with or call people you know that have lost a loved one around this time of year. It's coming up on a year when one of my great uncles passed away, and I can say without a doubt that going forward Christmases likely won't be the same for me. I just wanted to get that out there, but I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season so far. Alright, it is not time to get into this week's topic on the dilemma of caring about what other people think of you.

So before I go more into this week's topic, I'm going to go ahead and give the regular disclaimer that I normally give on these installments. We all have different viewpoints and outlooks on how we see life. Besides the obvious of physically looking different from one another, these viewpoints and outlooks are the things that make us all unique in our own way. Since we're all different in our way of thinking, I don't expect everyone to agree with what I'm going to be covering. The idea here isn't to focus on what may be considered to be right or wrong, but rather to hopefully use this content as a way to help inspire thought that can be used in bettering ourselves. Whatever information that I give isn't meant to only do one thing. I just hope that whatever takeaway people are able to come away from with this is something positive and inspirational. As for how I arrived at wanting to address the dilemma of caring about what others think of you as a topic of interest, I can solely attribute this to a discussion that I recently had this weekend with a few of my family members. The discussion itself wasn't about this specific topic, but rather about something somewhat related. A couple of days after thinking about what was being discussed, I walked away thinking about how difficult of the issue of caring what other people may think of us can be. Now again as I alluded to earlier, this topic is probably one that won't apply to many of you. Some of you genuinely may not care at all about what other people think, and that is totally fine. However, the biggest reason why I see this topic as a dilemma stems from the fact that depending on what type of situation that you're in, there are certain situations and circumstances where you may or may not have to care about what others may think. I think what I'm going to try and do with this one is point out some of those circumstances where it does and doesn't benefit us to care what others think. Again, what I'm going to be covering is my own personal perspective. I hope that I'm able to express this in a manner in which most of you will be able to understand. With all of that being said, lets go ahead and get into this.

I believe that when it comes to what other people think of you us, we have to be able to put it into the proper context. Generally speaking, giving thought to what someone else thinks of you stems from the desire to be accepted. It is in our nature as humans to want to be loved and accepted for being the individuals that we truly are. Because of this way of thinking, it is normal to care about what other people think of you in some capacity. For example, most of us care what our family thinks of us in some capacity. You may not care what they may think when it comes to some of your actions, but you likely care what they think when it comes to them accepting you for who you are. We've all seen or personally have been involved in situations where someone was at odds with a family member due to a choice of how a person decides to live their life. If you think about it for a sec, there wouldn't be any need for two people to be at odds if people didn't care to an extent what other people thought. Again, the majority of this comes down to wanting to be accepted, and I personally think there isn't nothing wrong with wanting to be accepted by the people that should matter the most in our lives. Who are the people that should matter? Of course your family and close friends, but also the people that have helped you in some capacity throughout your life. The opinions of these people matter because they have in some form or another taken an interest in wanting to see you become a healthy functioning person in society. Think of a person or people that invest their money into starting a business. These individuals hire people to carry out their plans right? Because they have an investment in the business, their opinions on how it should run matters. I know that is a different comparison, but I think that most of you get where I'm coming from with that. Now I'm in no way saying that you should ever bend to the people that you care about will. I'm just saying that due to them having invested in you, you should be willing to value what they think of you.

One of the many things that I've noticed as I've gotten older when it relates to what people think is that we as people often care more about what the wrong people think of us. When I say this, I'm referring to the way that so many of us care about what people that have never contributed anything to our lives think. So who are the people that we're talking about in saying this? Basically, any and everyone that has never been a part of your life in some way or another, which means that it refers to a large portion of this world. If we're being pretty honest here, most of us go out of our way to impress people because we care about how we will be perceived. I mentioned in the previous paragraph that this comes down to wanting to be accepted, and this also applies to when it comes to people in general. It is like most people have a desire to want to be accepted by everyone, when everyone isn't going to be accepting of your regardless of what kind of person you are. For example, think about how prevalent social media is in today's society. This is something that I've already discussed on here before, but most people that spend mindless amount of time posting on social media are likely seeking acceptance from others. Now I'm not trying to say that social media is a bad thing, but just like with anything else in this world, it can be overdone. I'm also not trying to imply that the person on your social media don't matter. I do realize that many of the people on our social media accounts are family and friends. However, we also know that we have people that are "acquaintances" on there as well. If you take a moment and ask yourself what has anyone on social media done for you, you will probably not be able to say much beside liking a few photos and posts. Likes don't do anything for us but feed our egos, so why should we care about what people on these platforms think? I used social media as an example, but this applies to the outside world also.

So what is the main point that I'm aiming to get across in this installment? Simply said, we should always be mindful of what people think of us, but this should only apply to the people that matter in your life. Any person that has fed you, clothed you, and helped you in some capacity in your life thoughts should matter more than someone that you don't know or barely know. This world we live in has become overly consumed with people seeking acceptance from all the wrong people. This epidemic that I would call it is driving so many people mad to the point where they're sad and depressed whenever someone doesn't like or accept them. From my perspective, this is not a healthy way to live. I always say that you don't have to be liked or loved by all people, you just have to be loved by the RIGHT people. The right people are those that will be there for you through thick and thin. They will motivate and inspire you to be the best person that you can be. Those are the people whom you should be mindful of what their opinion of you is. When it comes to everyone else, you have to evaluate and discern how what they may think or you or not benefits your life. I'm not saying that you should go through this life with a chip on your shoulder not caring what people think. That is the way much of our society thinks now, which is why I believe so many people have inflated and over-sized egos. There is always an opportunity to encounter people that will genuinely care about you in this life. We just have to be able to know the difference. So with all of that being said, I believe that you should care what people think of you in regards to the people that you care about. You should always be mindful of what others think of you as well, however, if and when what the outside world thinks of you comes to your detriment, then it is likely time that you stop caring about what those people think. It is okay to care what people think, it just needs to be in the proper context.

Alright everyone, I think that about sums up what I wanted to talk about in this installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! A big thank you once again to those of you that came by. As always, I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that could be taken away from this. If anyone has anything they'd like to contribute in regards to this or any of the other topics that I cover, please feel free to do so in the comment section. If you'd like to connect with or follow me on Twitter, you can do so at the Twitter handle of @BradrickH. It is time for me to depart for now. There's a boxing match coming on in a bit that I'm going to watch, so I'll check back in with you all on the next go round. Till then, take care everyone, and have a safe and happy weekend. Peace!

©2018 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.