Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Importance Of Being The Point Guard Of Your Life.

Anyone that frequently reads any of the topics that I cover on here are probably aware that I am a huge sports fan. Though I rarely talk directly about sports on here, unless I do it when I'm on my soapbox, sports have always been something that I'm extremely passionate about. One of my favorite sports that I not only play occasionally, but also follow is basketball; more specifically the NBA. I don't have anything against college basketball, I just don't find it all that appealing until March Madness begins. Now for those of you that follow or have any general knowledge of basketball know that there are five positions that players can play while they're on the court. You have a center, which is typically a team's largest player. You have a power forward and a small forward, which are also considered members of the a team's front line. Finally, you have a shooting guard and a point guard to round out the five players on the court. The shooting guard position is typically what it sounds like; a player that is generally considered a great shooter. Then we get to the point, which is probably the most important position that a team has. Most point guards are the smallest players on the court, but they often have the most responsibility. The reason for this is due to the fact that the point guard typically has to be an extension of a team's head coach. If you watch basketball, you will typically see the point guard receiving coaching instructions from the coach on what plays to run. If you really think about it, a team's successes and failures will typically depend on what kind of point guard the team has. Being that I see sports as a catalyst for life, the same could be said about our own lives in respect to the importance of a point guard.

Yo, yo, yo! What's going on folks? This is Brad H. back once again for another topic, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! This is a blog where I give my opinion on a topic that I think would be beneficial to those of us that are seeking added inspiration in our lives. Thank you to long time readers, and welcome to anyone that may be reading for the first time. So for my soapbox this week, I want to bring up something that I'm sure everyone has seen in the news. As you all may know, the "Coronavirus" is spreading throughout the world at a pretty fast pace. I saw on the news earlier today where the first death in the United States due to the virus happened today. I know this virus has created quite a stir, and understandably so. However, I just want to encourage everyone to try and not panic first of all. Always be alert, but never quick to panic. Secondly, do whatever you can to keep your immune system up. I personally take multivitamins, and I drink a lot of orange juice. Finally, please wash your hands as much as you can. It amazes me how people still think that the weather is the reason why so many people get the flu and colds. The weather contributes, but most of the sicknesses that exist are the result of bacteria. I'm not a doctor or anything, but the things I stated have worked pretty well for me when it comes to avoiding sickness. I just wanted to bring that up because I know that we haven't seen a virus that has caused such a ruckus since the "Swine Flu" back in 2009. Now that I've gotten on my soapbox, lets go ahead and talk about the importance of being the point guard of your life.

Now when it comes to the idea of being the point guard within our own lives, of course I'm not talking about a point guard in terms of basketball in a literal sense. We're not talking about great point guards such as John Stockton, Chris Paul, or Isaiah Thomas just to name a few. What I'm going to be focusing more on in this topic are the attributes and skills that make a great point guard on the basketball court. I'm aware that all of you likely know that already, but I just wanted to be make sure I stated that before I get into what we're bringing up in this topic. Now when we think of what skills that are required for a point guard to be an effect floor general, there are typically three things that I instantly think of. The three attributes I think of are awareness, control, and trust. There are even more attributes that make for a great point guard, and I could probably write a novel on all of those. I'm going to roll with the three that I thought of first, and I believe that these three attributes will be the most effective at helping me get across the idea that I'm seeking to convey. I'm going to start out first with the attribute of control. For a point guard to be effective on the court, he or she has to exhibit a great amount of control. For example, when the other team that he is squaring off against goes on a run, the point guard cannot allow himself to panic. If the point guard panics while on the court, then the rest of the team will likely do so as well.

Secondly, we have the attribute of awareness. A point guard has to be aware of what's going on at all times on the court. He or she has to know when certain teammates are open, as well as when to get the ball to them. They have to be able to be aware of the clock and various other scenarios that come along with being a floor general. Finally, we have the attribute of trust. A good point guard has to be able to rely on their teammates. This means that they have to be selfless and willing to put their trust in their teammates for the betterment of the team to be successful. Now when it comes to the awareness, control and trust qualities that are required for a point guard to be great, these are attributes that are not only important when it comes to sports, but also when it comes to navigating through the game of life. I've spoken this on here before in the past, but in terms of living life and being able to maintain while living it, many aspects of life in and of itself is similar to sports. We all deal with competition on on various levels, and we all have an ultimate goal to succeed in life. Basically, life is a game, and if you're going to find a way to conquer and win, you're going to need the aforementioned traits.

So this ultimately brings us to the importance of being the point guard of your life. From my own perspective, everything that I've pretty much stated so far within this topic sums up the importance of being the point guard of your life. However, the three attributes that I mentioned when it comes to be a great point are the catalysts as to why I believe it is important. First off, you have to be able to be in control of your life like a point guard has control over how he deals with his team. Too many of us lose control when things get rough in our lives. It may be difficult at times, but always try to be in control of yourself and the things you do. Secondly, be aware of any and everything that you allow into your life. Many of the problems we face stem from a lack of self-awareness. Finally, have people in your life that you can trust. Like I mentioned earlier, a point guard has to be able to trust his teammates. Think of the people in your life as if they are teammates of yours, and gauge your trust levels properly. If there are people that you can't trust that are a part of your life, it may be time for a substitution. Before I end this topic and let you all go; when it comes to trust, always trust yourself first and foremost. A good point guard has great instincts, and I believe that comes from self belief. We should apply the same logic to ourselves in order to put ourselves in a better position to win.

Well that is all that I have for you all on the importance of being the point guard of your life. I hope that I was able to put this topic into words that have been understandable for you all. This has been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' brought to you by Brad H. Thank you once again to those of you that came through. If you have any comments or feedback that you'd like to leave, please feel free to do so in the comment box. You can also connect with me on Twitter @BradrickH if your heart so desires. Well I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend. Be safe out there, and have a good week ahead. I'll see you all on the next topic. Take care everyone, and peace out!

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Hey. I agree if you can not trust the people around you why be around them. I mean whether it is family, friends, or people at work we have to be careful. Because if you have people you can trust around you, nine out ten times they will help you achieve goals and dreams.

    1. @Jessysweet, Hey there friend! "If you have people you can trust around you, nine out ten times they will help you achieve goals and dreams." Gosh, I love that statement you made there. You are definitely on point! Thank you for responding with your thoughts.
