Saturday, February 1, 2020

Why Developing And Maintaining Discipline Is Hard, But Worth It.

I believe that the good majority of us that are willing to be honest with ourselves will admit that most of us would rather do something that is easy compared to something that is hard. I mean who doesn't want to take the easier route if you can prevent yourself from doing something harder right? For whatever reason or another that I personally can't grasp, the majority of people are just hardwired to take the most convenient choice if given. Now I personally feel that we should aim to take the easier path when it is presented to us. I mean there is no point in making something harder if it doesn't have to be right? However, just like with all things that can be viewed subjectively, it is always important to view things within their proper context. When it comes to the idea of taking the easier path vs. the harder path, the idea of putting things into context is pretty crucial. What I mean when I say this is that while most of us prefer the easier path, there are going to be times when taking the easier path will not be beneficial to us. There are certain situations and scenarios where you do better to take the more harder way in order to get to where you want to be. I bring all of this up because when it comes to the easy way vs. the hard way, the act of maintaining discipline is something that can test us to our core. The truth is that maintaining discipline is something that not everyone can do for an extended period of time. Much of this stems from the fact that maintaining discipline is something that is very hard to do. However, most of the things in our lives that are hard to do end up being the things that are the most worthwhile in the end.

Hey, what is going on people? This is Brad H. reporting once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! This is a space where I give my perspective on a topic that I think would help towards keeping us all motivated. So for my soapbox this week, I'm going to address the unfortunate passing of basketball legend Kobe Bryant. I think that the sports world, and maybe even the world in general was brought to a halt last Sunday when we find out about Kobe, his daughter Gianna, and the other seven passengers that all died on helicopter crash in California. This was truly an shock to many of us that grew up watching Kobe. Now I personally wasn't a fan of Kobe the basketball player at the beginning of his career. One of the biggest reasons for that is that I have never liked the Lakers much. But I will say that I always respected how talented of a player he was. Also, my feelings towards Kobe began to change in the latter part of his career. I saw what I always assumed as a cocky young man in the earlier part of his career turn into a mentor for the Lakers in the championship runs they had during the post Shaquille O'neal years. It seemed to me that he really matured and understood that in order for him to be successful, he would have to learn how to not only be a mentor, but also learn to trust his teammates. I think that the reason so many people are taking his passing so hard is because we literally felt like we grew up with Kobe. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, as well as the families of the other people that were lost. May all their souls rest in peace, and I encourage you all that are reading this to reach out to anyone you love and care for this weekend. Life can change in an instance, and this unfortunate event is a prime example of that. It is not time for me to go ahead and transition into this week's topic of why maintaining discipline is worth it in the end.

Now if you have been a regular reader here on this blog for the past several years, you are likely already aware of the fact that I've brought up the idea of discipline before. Much of my reasoning for talking frequently about discipline is due to the idea that it entails so many aspects of life. It's not something that can be viewed in a vacuum, which ultimately means that it can be interpreted and defined in many different ways. A good portion of what discipline means comes down to the individual and what it means to them personally. With there being so many ways to define what discipline is, it is up to us as individuals to determine what it means to our lives. With that being said, I believe that anyone that has made an attempt to become more disciplined in their lives can speak on how much of a challenge it can be to maintain. When I personally think of what it means to be disciplined, I think of a person that is aiming to stick to a specific lifestyle or way of living. This means not only making a concerted effort to cut out certain things in our lives, but also making a commitment to actively keeping those things out of our lives. Again, the "things" that I'm referring to can be anything depending on what discipline means to you. For example, lets say that a person that has been drinking soda all their lives and are seeking to stop drinking it. For most of us, giving up something that has been a part of your life for such a long period of time isn't an easy thing to do.

I talked earlier about how most of us would rather take the easy way vs. the hard way in most situations right? Well when it comes to the act of discipline as a whole, the word "easy" likely will not be associated with it. The majority of anything that is related to discipline is going to be tough to start and maintain. I believe from my own perspective that the reason that maintaining discipline is so hard comes from the fact that it makes us very uncomfortable. Just like it is in our human nature to want to take the easy way out most of the time, it is also in most of our nature to stay within our comfort zone. The thing is that growth doesn't come from us staying in our comfort zone, and nor does it come if we're not willing to do the things that could be classified as being "hard". If you are someone that is truly serious about wanting to change your life, or if you're trying to give up certain things that no longer serve you, you're going to have to go down the road of developing discipline. Now though it may be tough making the choice to take this path if you so desire to do so, there are benefits that can come from making the hard choice. This is where the idea of maintaining discipline is worth it in the end.

So now that we've talked about and set a general basis for how hard it is maintaining discipline, it is time to go ahead and sum all of this up and get down to why discipline is worth it in the end. Now I'm not one that does the whole comparison thing when it comes to people, but I can also acknowledge that there are some instances in life where those comparisons are relevant. I believe that this here topic of discipline is a prime example of where it applies. From my own perspective, I believe the reason why developing, having, and maintaining discipline is worth is because of what I mentioned earlier; most people would rather take the path that is easier. See, I believe that if you're someone that regularly maintains discipline in many facets of your life, you are likely leaps and bounds ahead of the people that aren't doing such. I believe that this is important because there are times in life where you're going to have to compete against another person in order to have success. I believe that doing the hard things that I've constantly made reference to helps towards having discipline. It is similar to an athlete that is training for an upcoming event. The athlete that trains will always have an advantage over their competitors that do not. Beyond just athletics and competition, having discipline for facing this world is important as well. It is just like the mentality of survival of the fittest. The people that are the most discipline are best equipped to take on life, and that is ultimately why though despite being hard, developing, maintaining and having discipline is worth it in the end.

Well that pretty much sums up this week's topic everyone. I hope that it is one that you all can relate to, and I hope that you're able to take some valuable away from it. Thank you all once again for coming by for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I hope that I was able to express myself in a way that has meaning and understanding. If you have any comments to contribute, please feel free to do so in the comment section. If you are on Twitter and would like to connect with me, you can hit me up the handle @BradrickH. Well I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend, and be sure to hug, call, or spend time with someone you care for this weekend. It's unfortunate that it takes tragic things happening for us to realize what is important in life, but that is how it goes unfortunately. You all have a great week ahead. Rest in peace Kobe and Gianna Bryant. Peace!

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Discipline is something I would love to learn. But I need a mentor to stick by my side to help me in weak times. RIP Kobe Bryant
