Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Importance Of Not Allowing Slow Changes To Discourage You.

Throughout this journey of life that we're all currently partaking in, the aspect of changes taking place in our lives and life in general is something that's unavoidable. Whether it be the kind of changes that we choose to welcome or not is pretty much irrelevant since change is something we cannot stop from happening. Change in some ways is like death; pretty much guaranteed to happen. Though change is something that we cannot stop from taking place in all aspects of life, it is something comes with a wide range of variances and definitions. There are going to be some forms of change that are going to be good for our lives, and there of course are going to be forms of change that could be considered bad for us. The good majority of us naturally want to see the good things that come along with change happening. Change that breeds and spreads good things is often a determining factor in whether or not many of us continue to pursue the things in life that we desire. Though this type of change is the one that we welcome the most, on the flip side of the coin, some forms of change, though they may be good, can be a long and slow process. Just like with pretty much anything else in this life, perspective plays a big factor in how we view change happening. This is one of the reasons why I feel it is of importance for us to not allow slow changes to discourage us.

Hey, what's going on people? This is Brad H. reporting once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I'm going to get straight into what I want to say this week on my soapbox. Boy does a lot happen in a couple of weeks, doesn't it? So the novel Coronavirus that seems to be spreading like crazy has really hit close to home here in America. Last time I had written on here, I believe that were only a few confirmed cases here in the states. It has rapidly exploded, and has pretty much brought life to a standstill for many of us. On March 11th, which happened to be my birthday, the NBA postponed their season for the foreseeable future. In the following days there would be other sports leagues to follow in the NBA's decision. I just want to say for everyone out there to please stay safe. I'm not a doctor, but I encourage all of you to keep your immune system as strong as you can. Exercise daily, drink green drinks, eat fresh greens and fruits. Take some vitamin C pills and multivitamins. Try and keep your stress and worry levels low as these things have been shown to weaken our immune systems. I know that people are buying up all the supplies and hand sanitizing products, but we have to make sure that our bodies are able to fight off this virus if we happen to contract it. This is truly one of the most unprecedented times in our county's history. Again, stay safe everyone, and watch out for the elderly that are at the risk most. That's all I want to say about the Coronavirus for now, so lets talk more about the importance of not allowing slow changes to discourage us.

I feel that one of the key components of potential slow happening change that influences us most is the lack of patience that many of us have. This is something that I've brought up many times on this platform, but we cannot talk about change without addressing patience. For all the reasons that I won't get into because we're already aware of the majority of them; when it comes to the act of being patient, it is just something that so many people in our society struggle with maintaining. Fast and quick is the way that the society we live in has conditioned us to be. Now I'll admit that we all have moments where we experience impatience, and I think that is okay to be impatient when it comes to certain things in life. If you have a major health emergency that suddenly happens for example, you're not going to want to have patience when it comes to dealing with that type of situation. So there are definitely certain occasions where we don't have to have patience, but having patience when it comes to various aspects of change that deal with your life is very important. Furthermore, having patience will help you not be discouraged so quick when things don't happen right away, and that is what I'm going to get into next.

Now what exactly does it mean to be or become discouraged? The word "discourage" has several ways of being interpreted, but there is one definition in particular that I want to focus on in regards to this topic. As a verb, discourage means to "cause (someone) to lose confidence or enthusiasm." The act of being discouraged is fairly normal, and it's something that we all experience throughout our lives. If you are an athlete and you lose in a championship game, you're probably going to find that you'll be discouraged from the loss you suffered. If you're a guy that's interested in a certain woman and she happens to rejects you, you may feel discouraged from approaching women for a bit of time. These are just a couple of examples of how typical it is when it comes to being discouraged. Now while the idea of being discouraged from time to time is just a normal part of life, it behooves us to try and avoid staying this way for an extended period of time. I believe that this especially applies when it comes to slow change happening in our lives, which of course is what the theme of this topic is.

So why is it of importance to not allow slow happening changes in our lives to discourage us? The simple reason is that while good forms of change in our lives may be slowing moving, slow change is still change. If you look at a person that goes on a diet to lose weight, how often do you see them lose a massive amount of weight very quickly? You often don't, right? In the event that you do happen to see this going on, the weight that they're losing most likely isn't healthy weight. I used the example of dieting, but this can be applied to any type of positive change that a person is aiming to make in their life. The path towards becoming a better individual by implementing positive changes in our lives isn't one that everyone will be able to do. There are going to be many people that fall off after not seeing the changes happening fast enough. These are the people that have probably gotten discouraged along the way and decided that it wasn't worth it anymore. From my own personal perspective, it is always worth it if you're trying to improve yourself and your life. The goal of this week's topic is to inspire anyone that is seeing slow change to stay the course. Treat your journey as if it is a marathon. It will be a long tedious process, but keep your mind on the person you want to be at the end of the journey.

That pretty much sums up what I got for you all this week. Thank you once again to everyone that came by for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I hope that this topic was able to serve as some motivation for some of you. If you have any comments to add, please feel free to do so in the comment section. You can also follow me on Twitter @BradrickH if you'd like to connect on there. I know that things seems bleak right now with this virus spreading around the world so quickly, but this will pass everyone. I believe the goal now is to try and get this thing under control, and get our lives back to some normalcy. Hopefully that will happen soon enough, so stay positive and keep praying for positive change. I'll see you all on the next topic. Stay safe everyone. Peace!

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I agree that it takes a lot of patience to deal with change in general. Whether it slow or fast change. I enjoy reading your blog.

    1. @Jessysweet, Thank you so much for reading and leaving your insight!

  2. Thank you, Brad.
    Good food for thought. I like the practical examples. Stay safe.
