Saturday, February 15, 2020

Why Viewing Things Outside Of Yourself Helps You Gain A Greater Understanding.

I think saying that most people in the world today are extremely self-absorbed would be a massive understatement. I imagine that from the beginning of time that we as people have always been this way. However, in my time living on this planet, I've noticed over the years that we have taken selfishness to an entirely different level. When I was growing up as a kid, while people were indeed selfish, people also seemed like they were more willing to take others into account. I remember a time when people would fall on hard times and need help, family and friends would pull together to help the people that experienced setbacks. I'm in no way saying that people like this do not exist today. I'm simply saying that people aren't as quick to do so like they once did. Now there are various reasons for why we as people have become so self-absorbed with ourselves. That's something that I will go more into later on in this topic. Also, being a selfish person to an extent isn't that bad of a thing in certain circumstances. Yes, there are definitely times where you do have to look out for your own needs and desires before others. I've always viewed life as a sort of give and take type of thing. There are going to be times when you have to look out for yourself, but there will also be moments where taking a backseat to others the better option. When it comes to us as people being so self-absorbed within ourselves, it often leads to us missing out on the greater picture of life. This is truly detrimental for those of us that are seeking an greater a greater understanding of life. Though it may be beneficial for us to be selfish and self-absorbed at times, making an attempt to view things outside of ourselves can help lead to a greater understanding.

What's good once again people? This is Brad H. reporting once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am back once again to bring a topic that I've been thinking of lately. Through those thoughts, I'm hopefully able to express myself with this topic in hopes that it will help inspire us all. Those that are regular visits here know that this is the section of the post where I talk about something that isn't related to the topic for the week. So for this week's soapbox section, I want to talk about something that I don't like to bring up that often on here; politics. We are in an election year once again, and I thought I would give a few of my thoughts on the biases and manipulation that surrounds politics. Now if we're being honest, most people here in America don't really follow politics until it's an election year. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but I think that those of us that are seeking to be informed about what's going on in the world of politics need to be aware of who and what we're listening to. A lot of the mainstream media outlets have corporate interests invested in particular candidates, and their coverage isn't always going to be fair and balance like they claim it will be. I encourage everyone to go beyond what you see and hear on the mainstream media outlets, and take a look at alternative sources. There are a lot of other resources that are available for us to make informed choices. I just wanted to say that because the mainstream media often attempts to manipulate us with their hidden agendas. Just aim to be an informed voter is all I'm saying. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, lets go ahead and get more into this week's topic of why viewing things outside of yourself helps towards gaining a greater understanding.

Now I began this topic speaking about how self-absorbed that we as people are these days, but when you're able to truly evaluate the world that we're living in with a clear mind, it really isn't all that hard to see why most people are this way. Now I'm not entirely sure when the biggest shift came in regards to people being overly consumed with themselves. What I do know is that there have been numerous developments and changes over the years that have aided in this happening. What I personally would consider to be one of the biggest reasons as to why we're so self-absorbed is technology constantly changing and evolving. Technology has evolved so much over the decades, and through that evolution that has occurred, with it has come an immense amount of convenience. Now having certain things being convenient in your life isn't always a bad thing. Just like I brought up in the last topic that I covered on here, there are times when taking the more easier way over the harder way will benefit you the most. However, it is also wise to remember that when it comes to having things that are so easily convenient in your life, it can put you in a position where you constantly expect things to happen quickly. It is pretty much similar to the idea of instant gratification, and we all know by know that social media has played a huge factor in the rise of instant gratification.

Now when it comes down to the concept of being able to gain a greater understanding, some may wonder what exactly is it that I'm referring to? The simple definition of the word "understanding" is "the ability to understand something; comprehension." From my own perspective, this can entail a limitless amount of things that could be understood. It also means that you're aware that some things in this life aren't always going to be able to be understood by you, and that is okay as well. When I personally think of what understanding means to me, I think of it as being able to view life in general in a much larger lens. I think of being able to see outside of that little bubble that we all tend to create for ourselves. Now there isn't anything with being in your bubble, nor is there nothing wrong with looking out for yourself the majority of the time. I personally feel that the problem settles in when you become so over consumed with yourself to the point where you can't comprehend things from the perspective of others. This is where the whole self-absorbed thing that I have brought up throughout this topic comes into play.

So why do I believe that viewing things outside of yourself can help towards having a greater understanding? Well from my perspective, being able to see things outside of yourself gives you a greater sense of empathy and compassion. See, from my perspective, when you're overly self-absorbed and selfish, you're blinding yourself to the larger picture of life. I believe that many people forget that while your life is only yours to live, there are billions of other people that are here as well. I know that sounds obvious, but for people that are too self-absorbed with themselves, being forgetful of that is likely a regular occurrence. Now you can be a person that is all of the things that I have described in regards to be overly consumed only with yourself, and you may be okay with that. However, what I've noticed is that the people that don't exhibit these traits constantly are the people that others gravitate to. I believe that when you're a person that has understanding and can see the more broader picture, you gain an added understanding of being able to relate to others. This is why I believe it is important to at least make the attempt to view things outside of yourself. Yes, we're all important and valuable as individuals, but there is always things that are much bigger than ourselves that are going on as well. There are many different paths towards having understanding, and I think seeing things outside of ourselves is one of the greatest paths that we can take.

That pretty much covers what I wanted to convey in this topic, so it is time for me to depart once again. Thank you all that stopped through for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! Like I always bring up in my closings, I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that could be taken away from this topic. Any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to leave those in the comment section. You can also hit me up on Twitter @BradrickH if you'd like to connect on there. Well I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I thank you all for the support once again. Have a great week ahead, and I hope to see you all in the next topic. Till that times comes, peace and blessings to you all!

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of truth to this. It is getting so bad that even families are falling apart because it is all about each person only thinking of themselves. This is also the reason why the world is so evil now a days.
