Saturday, February 16, 2019

Why It Is Perfectly Okay To Outgrow Some People In Your Life.

One of the most important things that we will all experience within this life is change. Change can take on many different forms, and those forms can vary from person to person. One of the forms of change that affects us all in some way or another is the word growth. Similar to the word change, growth also has various iterations of being interpreted. However, for this week's topic, the type of growth that I will be referring to is growing mentally and spiritually within yourself. We've all heard at sometime or another in our lives that nothing in this life stays the same. This world that we live in is constantly changing and adapting, which means that the same is happening to us as well. I believe that when we as people are growing as an individuals within our lives, there are certain things become somewhat beneath us. If you're a person that is on a pretty good streak of eating healthy and losing weight, certain foods that are bad and unhealthy for you probably no longer serve a purpose in your life. You have risen above those things, which means that they are beneath you now. Though it may be something that many of us may not like to acknowledge, this same logic also applies to the people in our lives. We all have maybe had friends that we've become more distant with just through time and space. In some instances of life, there can be quite a bit of guilt that can come with potential outgrowing certain individuals in our lives. We may have a strong sense of loyalty to them that puts us at odds with our personal growth. Now I'm one that believes that it is very important for us to be loyal to the people that reciprocate it back to us. However, what do we do when our loyalties put us at odds with our own growth? Furthermore, is it okay to leave behind the people that may be stunting us from growing? These are a few of the things that I will be talking about for this week's topic, but I believe that in certain situations and circumstances, it is perfectly okay when we've outgrown certain people in our lives.

Yo, what is going on people? This is Brad H. touching down once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am back once again for another topic that will hopefully serve as inspiration to others. Welcome to those of you that may be a first time reader, and thank you once again for those that are back once again. So for my soapbox section this week, I wanted to bring up something that I've mentioned before on here, but I also rarely like to discuss. That would be politics. Now most of you know that we had a government shutdown happening this year, and that another government shutdown has recently been averted. Now, a national emergency has been declared by the president, and of course people have their viewpoints on all of it. Now I recently listened to a video on Youtube where a blogger said something that I absolutely agree with and endorse. It is also something that I've been saying for quite sometime now. I hope that most people realize this by now, but stop believing in and trusting these politicians. Many of us look at these politicians as if they are saviors that have our best interests at heart, but we should all know by now that the good majority of them do not. They are mainly in the business of politics for their own interests, and the interests of those that put the most money behind them. I've seen too many people get into arguments over these politicians and their viewpoints, and it honestly isn't worth it in my opinion. Again, I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, but I hope that most of you know by now that politics is all a game. The majority of them rarely carry out the agendas that they run on to get votes, and we all know that it is hard to hold them accountable once they get in office. I just wanted to bring that up because right now the political climate in the United States is pretty volatile. The biggest takeaway I hope people have is to invest in yourself and carve out your own thinking. Don't be fooled by these politicians and the shenanigans many of them bring. Alright, now that I've gotten on my soapbox, lets go ahead and get into this week's topic of why it is perfectly okay to grow some people in your life.

Probably the biggest aspect of this week's topic that I want to address that plays a huge part of this discussion is the theme of loyalty. Loyalty is one of those unwritten aspects of life that many of us will have to bring into question at some point or another. It is something that works twofold in the sense that it can both beneficial and detrimental to us depending on the circumstances in which it is being questioned. Now we all have loyalties to various individuals and things. Some loyalties are stronger than others, and some situations can be either over or under when it comes to loyalty. I believe that the good majority of people want to be loyal always, however as I mentioned earlier, what does a person do when being loyal hinders their growth? I've already mentioned about the type of growth that I'm bringing reference to. Now if you're around people that could be deemed as being a hindrance towards you moving forward, are these people that really need a top spot in your life? I believe that many of us at times somewhat self-sabotage our own growth due to remaining loyal. Like I alluded to earlier, sometimes we just outgrow people as we develop more self-awareness. Now when I think of loyalty, another word that comes to my mind is guilt. Some may wonder how does loyalty and guilt coincide with one another. Well, in some cases (not all), and depending on the individual and your relationship with them, some people will pull the guilt card on you in circumstances where you find yourself moving forward. They may use tactics that question your loyalty to them, and may even try and make you feel bad about yourself for making positive changes in your life. Now that we've discussed how loyalty and guilt can play a role in our personal growth and how it relates to others, lets talk about why I feel it is perfectly fine to outgrow people.

As I mentioned earlier in regards to this topic, change is constantly evolving and taking place in our lives. I believe that is is highly unrealistic to believe otherwise. Think of other aspects of life that involves anything that has some form of life to it. A flower has to begin as a seed before it can grow into its final state. Like I've already mentioned, all living things have periods of growth and change. Think of how at one point in this life we were all small babies that couldn't do anything for ourselves. Now, because we have grown into adults, we're able to various things on our own. The way all of this relates to this week's topic is that growth and change is a natural aspect of life, and because growth is something that is inevitable, it is perfectly normal if you've come to a point where you've outgrown certain people in your life. I know that this is something that many people wrestle with because we want to stay loyal to the people we've outgrown. There is nothing wrong with being loyal to other people, but you also have a responsibility to be loyal to yourself first and foremost. Personal growth doesn't necessarily mean that you are better than anyone else, nor does it imply that you shouldn't be loyal to people. From my perspective, it means being able to recognize and prioritize yourself first. Think about all the clothes that you've owned throughout your life. At some point you likely outgrew those clothes and had to upgrade to clothes that you could properly fit. Now I'm in no way saying that people are like clothes, but what I am saying that since growth is natural, it makes sense if you have come to outgrow people. Also be mindful that growth doesn't just apply to people. It can apply to anything that you do or participate in that no longer serves a greater purpose in your life.

Now I'm not here to tell anyone else what to do, nor am I an authority on how people should live their own lives. I can only be responsible for myself and my actions. The main point that I want to get across with this topic is that we as people shouldn't have to feel bad for outgrowing things and people. Like I mentioned earlier, there are some people that you may be close with that don't want to see you growing as an individual. And to be quite honest, it may not necessarily be that they don't want what is best for you. It could be that they realize that your growth may mean that you may have to leave them behind. Another point that I want to get across with this is that growing as a person doesn't mean that you should just completely cut people out of your life spitefully. From my perspective, that is what arrogant people and people that feel like they're better than others do. You can still remain close to people that you've outgrown. As with most changes that come in life, relationships with others change as well. I'm sure that many of you have people that you've probably been friends with for years, yet you don't talk to them everyday. You may even not talk to them every month or week, but you know that you and that person are still tight with one another, and that it is an unsaid rule that you both will always be there in times of need. Life may have brought about time and space between the two of you, but the relationship remains. This is a perfect meaning of what I mean by why it is okay to outgrow some people in your life. Now of course if you have people that are trying to make you feel bad for growing as a person, then it goes without saying that you may need to reconsider your relationship with them. However, despite growth and change, you can still have those close to you in your life. So just remember that it is perfectly normal and natural to outgrow others. Don't ever feel bad for bettering yourself, stay loyal to others, but be loyal to yourself first.

Well I think I'm going to go ahead and end on that note. Thank you once again for those of you that came through for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I can't say enough how grateful I am to have received some of the feedback that I have from some of you. It is truly humbling, and I thank you all. As always, I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that could be taken away from this topic. If you found some inspiration through reading this, please let me know in the comment section. You can also hit me up on Twitter if you have any comments or feedback at the handle of @BradrickH. I hope you all are having a great weekend so far, and I hope an even greater week ahead lies in the wings for us all. Till next time, stay strong and stay positive. I'll see you all in the next one! Peace!

©2019 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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