Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Importance Of Elevating Your Mind Above Your Circumstances.

I'm likely going to sound as if I am coming across as a broken record with what I'm about to say. This will especially apply to anyone that has been reading my topics for any significant amount of time. However, I am okay with it due to the fact that I stand behind what I'm going to say so much. Our minds are probably the most important tool that we have when it comes to governing ourselves in this life. I've written many topics in the past on the importance of the mind, and I highly doubt that will be a trend that ends anytime soon. I feel that this is so important because there are numerous aspects of life where our minds play a factor. The possibilities are basically infinite, which is even more of a reason why the mind has been brought up in so many of my topics. You may wondering by now how does the mind relate to the topic that will be covered in this post. Anyone that has been alive long enough has and will deal with some sort of problems in their lives. Facing struggles, problems and issues are just an inevitable part of life that we all are going to contend with on occasion. Of course not all problems and issues are the same, nor can we expect everyone to handle them in the same way. However, what I've noticed over time, and especially in the past few years is that many of us have allowed our problems to take control over our minds. In some ways you can almost say that for most of us that our problems have put our minds in a proverbial choke hold. The motivating thing with this is that a choke hold can be reversed by someone strong enough to do so. How exactly do we remove the choke holds that our problems have on us; we do this by elevating our minds above our circumstances.

What's going on folks? This is Brad H. here to present you all another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! This is the blog where I give my perspective on a topic that can hopefully serve as some inspiration for us during these trying times we're in. A big welcome and thanks to both new and frequent visitors! I hope that all has been going good in everyone's lives as of late. This is the soapbox section of the topic where I talk about something besides the topic itself. Well folks, it is here! What am I referring to, you may wonder? That's right ladies and gentlemen, I'm talk about football! The upcoming NFL season is right around the corner! I do however want to pose a question for those of you that are fans of the NFL. What is your opinion on the preseason games? Do you like watching them, or could you do without them? I've asked a few people this question and the responses have been mixed. One person I know enjoys preseason because he feels it gives him a look at what to expect from his team. Another person told me that they don't mind because it signals the season is near. As for my opinion, I don't mind the preseason, but I absolutely dislike how many of the starters see no time on the field at all. I do understand that they need to be protected for the regular season, but I also remember a time where most of the starters would play up to an entire half in at least one preseason game. I know this doesn't apply to all teams, because I did see some teams that gave their starters playing time in the preseason. I don't know, I just don't like it when they don't play at all. What are you guys thoughts on it? Well that is my soapbox folks, so lets move into the main theme of elevating our minds beyond our circumstances.

The act of elevating our minds to rise above the circumstances that we face sounds pretty easy and straightforward, right? I wish that I could say that this were the case when it comes to a topic of this nature. However, speaking solely from my own perspective, the elevating of the mind is no easy feat when we're facing challenges. First off, staying positive in general becomes much harder if you're in a cycle of having issues in your life. Adding onto that is the fact that many of us have been conditioned to see the worst in most of the circumstances we find ourselves in. As the old saying goes; "old habits die hard". The reason I'm bringing this up is because I hope anyone that reads this doesn't feel like elevating your mind is going to be easy. Frankly speaking, even if you work towards doing so, there is a high chance that you'll never gain full mastery of it. I feel that the primary aim with this should be to take the approach of improvement over perfection. I feel that it is necessary to put that out there because I believe that no one should feel bad for not being able to have this viewpoint at all times. We all have different circumstances that we're facing, and there is no one way to look at how we should view them. Believe me, I know how difficult this can be from my own experiences. It is something that I struggle with at times myself. However, I do believe that with the right attitude, we can begin to consistently view the circumstances we face in a different manner. 

Before getting into the importance of what it means to elevate our minds beyond our circumstances, we must first define what this type of elevation is. We are all aware that the word "elevate" means to raise up. My perspective on elevating the mind is when a person doesn't allow the negative circumstances they're facing to dictate their life. I see it as being able to view whatever issues that we're facing with the state of mind that it's temporary. So as an example, lets say that a person is going through a rough patch that is affecting them mentally. Lets say that this individual has a friend or family member that invites them out to lunch. A person that is stuck in their circumstances and allowing them to dictate their life will problem decline the invitation. It's likely that they're interested in going, but because whatever they're facing is taking up so much of their mind that they allow themselves to wallow in their issues. Now on the flip side, a person that can consistently elevate their mind above their circumstances will likely accept the invitation. This person may not entirely feel up to going, but they realize that falling prey to their circumstances isn't going to help fix them. It all comes down to the mindset and how we choose to view the things that happen in our lives. Now as I stated earlier, none of us will be perfect when it comes to the various circumstances we face. However, as I stated earlier in the post, we have to take a progress over perfection point of view. This is just one example, but I feel like it could be applied to many variations of life. 

So why do I believe from my perspective that it is important for us to elevate our minds beyond the issues and circumstances we face? There are so many different reasons as to why a person should elevate their minds. However, for me personally, the biggest reason I find it of importance is the potential for chronic negativity in our lives. I believe that we are all beings of habits, so the things we do and the ways in which we think form much of how we view ourselves. This goes for both externally and internally. From my perspective, facing continued problems and issues can cause us to form new habits of thinking, and I don't mean in a good way. When we're not able to regularly elevate above the circumstances we face, those circumstances can begin to control too much of our minds. I believe from my perspective that all of this can be a catalyst for depression and other forms of mental illness. I don't have to go into all of that because most of us are already aware that constant depression isn't a good thing. This is why I believe that we have to be able to train our minds to be able to rise above the situations we face. I have to reiterate again that this is not an easy feat, and quite frankly, many people will probably need professional help to do so. The aim I have here is to bring awareness to this because I've seen how this has affected my own life. I also notice how it has affected others as well. From my perspective, we have to do what we can to train our minds up to rise above those circumstances. I believe that if and when we're able to do so, we're able to ease many of the burdens that we face.

Well it is time for me to sign off for this go around! I hope that everyone that reads this found it informative and helpful, as well as enjoyable to read. Thank you one more time for everyone that stopped by for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! Feel free to leave any feedback or comments on this topic in the comment box. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend! Oh, and not that you all need another reminder, but this time next week we'll be near the first NFL Sunday of 2022! I am so ready folks! Y'all take care, and have a great week ahead. See you all next time!

©2022 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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