Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Importance Of Knowing Your Limits Of What You Can Handle.

I believe that many of us in this world suffer from something that I would consider to be both a gift and a curse at times. What exactly is this gift and curse that I am referring to you all may wonder? I don't know exactly what is the official definition of what to call it, but what I'm referencing is the idea of taking on a lot of problems that are not of our own. I'm sure that there is some type of medical terminology that applies to this, but I'm personally not aware of it. So what does it mean when a person takes on problem that are not necessarily of their own? In short, it basically means that we overburden ourselves with excess things that are potentially detrimental to both our physical and mental health. One example of this is absorbing the problems of other people. Another example could be worrying about world events that don't necessarily hit as close to home. These are a couple examples of many things, but why do I consider taking on outside problems to be a gift and a curse. One reason it could be a gift is because people like this have a great deal of empathy for others. On the other hand, taking on other problems in addition to our own problems can leave us drained mentally to the point where it plays a negative role in our lives. Something that I've realized as I've gotten older is that being drained mentally doesn't have the same affect compared to when we're younger. It's not always as easy to handle things with age, which is why I believe that it is of importance for us to know our limits when it comes to what we can handle. 


What's good everyone! Brad H. back here reporting once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am here to hopefully bring you all another motivational message that can be beneficial. Hope all has been well for everyone since the last topic. It is so hard to believe that we have already arrived at the month of August. Hope you all are staying cool from this heat to the best of your ability. It has truly been brutal here in Texas. So for my soapbox this week, I'm going to give my perspective on the importance of rest. My reason for bringing this up is due to something I saw on television earlier. It was a news segment that talked about how the average American loses around 45 hours of sleep during the summer months due to excessive heat. It's extremely hard for many of us to get quality sleep these days, but many of us make our situations much harder. We be on our electronics all types of night before we go to sleep, and this makes it harder for us to shut down. We're all aware of how important rest is, so I encourage whoever that reads to this prioritize your sleep. Proper sleep is a huge part of what it means to be healthy, and too many of us are finding our health suffering from lack of sleep. Try and get your rest if possible. So now that I'm done with my soapbox, lets talk about the importance of knowing your limits of what you can handle.

So it has been established thus far that this week's topic will deal with limits when it comes to taking on problems that aren't our own. While I believe it is very important to know our limits when it comes to the things we absorb that are outside of ourselves, we have to be mindful that everyone has limits as individuals. We're all different and unique in our own right, so one person may be able to handle more than another person. I'm not saying that as a way to compare ourselves to the next person, but it is important for us as individuals to know our limits. I feel that this needs to be said because I believe that too many of us look to others when it comes to handling external things. We have to know our limits as individuals, and be able to govern ourselves accordingly. I also want to state that when we're talking about our limits and the things we're able to handle, this can encompass many aspects of life. It can apply to knowing your limits when it comes to health and fitness. It can apply when it comes to education, or finances. This can entail so much, but the purpose of this week's topic is to focus more on what we can handle when it comes to external problems that may come into our lives. Though much of what I will referencing deals with worldly events and things of that nature, the primary focus will be on our limits when it comes to handling extra burdens that may be put on us from those we're the closest to.


I feel that in order for me to attempt to get across the point that I'm aiming to make on this topic, I have to use an example that all of us can agree with. We all can remember being kids and suffering some sort of nick or injury. Maybe you fell and scrapped a knee or elbow, or maybe you got some sort of bruise. For most people we they're kids, or just a younger person in general, bouncing back from those injuries wasn't all that hard. Now of course this depends on the severity of the injury, but most of the minor ones were fairly easy to get through. Now for those of us that have been alive for awhile, we know that this isn't the case when it comes to injuries. It takes longer to heal when you're older, and many of those injuries hurt a lot more when we get older. This is all a natural process of life due to aging. Now while a physical injury is much different than an emotional injury, I believe the same applies when it comes to knowing our limits. A person that is young and carefree likely doesn't worry much about world events that are stressful, and if they have people in their lives that are burdening them with their issues, they can probably handle these type of situations better. When you find yourself getting older, the burdens and problems from others are way more of a downside to your life. Unfortunately for many of us, avoiding stress in general is a very tall task, especially with age. However, because many of us don't know the limits of what we can handle, we tend to take on more than we should. The potential issues that I spoke on earlier is where this can occur. 

So why exactly is it so important for us to know the limits of what we can handle? I've already addressed how detrimental added stress can be to our lives. I believe from my own perspective that not knowing our limits is one of the major things that causes added burdens to our lives. Many of us have trouble setting boundaries when it comes to outside factors and how they can play a role in our lives. We often struggle with not answering that phone call that we know will be one that will leave us unsettled. Many of us may struggle with saying no to others, or just not knowing when to tell someone we care for to lay off of us sometimes. I pointed out earlier how it is much easier to bounce back from certain setbacks when we're younger. When we age and grow wiser throughout life, having added burdens and stress from others isn't as easy to move on from. The most important thing we can do when it comes to outside factors is to know our limits, but also have those boundaries. While we do have an obligation to be there for others when we're able to do so, we also have an obligation to ourselves first and foremost. I believe that this is why you have to know your limits. Knowing your limits means that you know when it's okay to put yourself first. Too many of us are carrying extra burdens that we would likely be happier within our lives if we cut back on those burdens. As I stated earlier, I know that this doesn't apply to everyone. However, if you find yourself resonating with this, it may be wise to evaluate yourself and your limits.

That's all I got for this topic folks! I hope you all found this topic to be enjoyable and beneficial. This has been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! If there are any comments or feedback that any of you want to leave, please feel free to do so. Thank you all once again for all the support. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend, and have a great week ahead. I'll get up with you all on the next topic. Stay cool everyone!

©2022 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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