Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Importance Of Having A By Any Means Necessary Mentality.

"By any means necessary!" This is a well known quote that many of us have likely heard at some point of our lives. Upon doing a little bit of research on this statement, I come to realize how far back in history it goes. The original origin goes back to the year 1948 when it was used in a play by French intellectual Jean-Paul Sartre. However, most of us probably know the phrase more from human rights activist Malcolm X. Malcolm X used this phrase in a speech that he gave in 1964 for the founding rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity. When it comes to the phrase itself, it is generally considered to be one that encourages people to consider all tactics when it comes to doing whatever must be done. Unfortunately at times this phrase has been used as a catalyst to encourage violence. However, we are all about peace here on this platform, so the context in which we're going to using the phrase will deal with a different aspect of life. So what aspect of life are we're going to be using "by any means necessary" for? That is something that we're going to be addressing throughout the topic, so I humbly ask you all to bear with me for a bit. Anyone that has been alive long enough will know that problems will never cease to evade us for as long we live. When it comes to having problems in our lives, the most we can hope for is to minimize them as much as possible. One of the unfortunate things that happens when many of us deal with problems is a shift in our mentality. Depending on the severity of the problem(s) we may be facing, there can be a victim mentality that creeps in and cause us to lose hope and ambition. Though problems may happen in our lives, we must do all we can to maintain a by any means necessary mentality. 

Hello to you all once again! This is Brad H. to bring you another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! This is the blog that is all about motivating and thinking more deeper on various subject matters. I appreciate those of you that are joining me for another topic. I also hope that all has been going well for you all! So for my soapbox this time around, it looks like many people were wrong about hurricane season being a down one this year. We all know by now that the state of Florida just took a catastrophic hit from Hurricane Ian. I want to give my thoughts and prayers to everyone in that state that was affected by this storm. I also want to address something that I'm fairly sure that I've said in the past on here. For anyone that lives in an area that is prone to storms, please get out of dodge if your local officials call for a MANDATORY EVACUATION! Being that I live in one of those areas that is prone, I know that evacuating isn't ideal. However, when a mandatory evacuation is given, it's not only to save you, but to also keep the first responders safe from potentially having to rescue you. I've seen various people needed to be helped from this past hurricane, and all of that could have been prevented. I feel like we needlessly lose lives every year because people think it can't happen to them. I'll just end by saying that if you are able to get out, please do so. Again, my thoughts are with the people of Florida, and I hope they can begin to recover from this soon. Now that I've addressed that, lets get more in the importance of having a by any means necessary mentality. 

Now I touched in the opening on how the by any means necessary phrase is often correlated with violence. Of course we're not about all of that here on this platform, so we're going to try and view it in the context of the various challenges that we may face in our lives. When I mention challenges and the problems that we may face, there is not any one type of challenge that we're aiming to use this mentality towards. I believe from my perspective that it is up to us as individuals to decide what instances in our lives where we need to implement the by any means necessary mentality. There may be certain instances that we face where it may not be helpful nor beneficial for us as individuals to utilize this mentality. There may be times where using this mentality leads to even more troubles and issues that ultimately aren't even worth it in the end. I want to be certain to put that out as a disclaimer because I never want any of us to overdo anything that could potentially end up being detrimental to our lives. We always want to be able to evaluate things and use discretion when it comes to viewing things in a mindset that likely isn't part of the norm. The main theme that I hope we all can take away from this is that there is always more than one way to approach the challenges that get thrown at us throughout our lives. 

We've brought up and given a general definition of what by any means necessary means, but what are some instances where having this type of mentality can be beneficial? I believe from my perspective that having this mentality can be helpful when it comes to overcoming any type of adversity that means a lot to you. For example, if you struggle with money and have a goal of saving money, having a by any means necessary mentality can be helpful. This mentality can help keep you accountable when you find yourself waning in this goal. Having a by any means necessary attitude is also crucial when wanting to get through problems in your life. As an example, imagine that an athlete suffers an injury that stops them from participating in their respective sport. When that athlete has to do rehab in order to get strong enough to get back to participating, having a by any means necessary mentality can be good on the days where that athlete doesn't feel like doing rehab. If you are someone that has people depending on you, having a by any means necessary mentality can helps towards not letting those people down. I believe that adopting or maintain this type of attitude all comes down to mindset. Unfortunately for many of us in life, this mentality either doesn't exist within us already, or we allow it to wane whenever certain types of adversity begins to affect us. I believe from my perspective that when things begin to get difficult is when this mentality can become one of our most valuable tools. 

We've touched what it means to have a by any means necessary mentality, and we've also given brief examples of where this type of mentality can be beneficial. So why is it important for us to either develop, or maintain a by any means necessary mentality. Simply put, and from my own perspective, you can't afford to let yourself down. I personally believe that when a person has a consistent habit of believing that failure can't be an option, an added level of mental toughness comes into their lives. When we consider life and what is the best ways for us to navigate through it, I think we can all be in agreement that having the right mindset for various circumstances matter. There are going to be times where having a by any means necessary will be needed. For the people that do not already have or not able to find themselves being able to channel this mentality, the likelihood of not reaching your various goals will increase. I know it may be a difficult thing for many of us to think about, but there is never only one way to not only get through challenges, but also reaching our goals. Having a by any means necessary mentality to me means that you may have to go above and beyond what you normally would. I'm going to close this by using an analogy that I once heard from former Phoenix Suns guard, Kevin Johnson. Johnson once said that while the interior of a basketball court typically belongs to the bigger players, sometimes as a smaller player you have to go over the fence to show them that the interior is fair game. Find whatever it means to have a by any means necessary mentality means to you, and develop a refusal to be stopped when it comes to your goals and the potential challenges you face in life.

Well that is all I got for this topic on the importance of having a by any means necessary mentality. I hope that you all enjoyed this topic, and I hope it adds some benefit to your life. Thank you one more time for those of you that came through for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! If any of you have any comments or feedback that you'd like to contribute, please feel free to do so in the comment box. I hope all of you enjoy the rest of your weekend, and continue to keep the people of Florida and North Carolina in your thoughts. Have a good week ahead, and I'll get up with you all soon with another topic. Take care everyone! 

©2022 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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