Sunday, March 17, 2019

Why Losing Your Way Doesn't Mean You Are Totally Lost.

I think that we can all admit that staying on the right path in this world that we're living in can be quite a daunting challenge. The majority of us are taking in so much information via social media and television that our minds are often all over the place. It is difficult for a person nowadays to just sit down and concentrate on a single thing without being distracted by a slew of other things. Why do I bring all of this up you may wonder? Well I believe that when we're consuming so many different kinds of things and information that it becomes that much easier to be thrown off of our balance. I feel this is important because having a healthy and stable balance in life is the key to overcoming, as well as avoiding bad habits. I believe the key thing that makes having bad habits such a crutch in our lives is that once we engage in them, often develops into a downward spiral for a period of time. When it comes to the topic of losing your way, I believe that most of it stems from bad habits and things that may trigger us into bad habits. Now in saying that, I'm not implying that social media and television are the sole reasons why these type of things happen. I do however they can play a huge role in leading us down the wrong path. In all honesty, it really isn't that hard to believe since the majority of the things that we're being shown via television and social media aren't good. The bottom line with all of this is that too much consumption of bad habits, social media, and television can be hindrance in keeping us on the straight and narrow. Now regardless of how much balance an individual may have in their life, it is eventual that we're going to be taken away from our center and lose our way. Though losing our way isn't a good thing in this life, losing our way doesn't mean that we're totally lost.

Mic check, one, two; one two! Can y'all hear me loud and clear? Of course I'm just kidding with the mic thing, but I'm Brad H. back on the blog mic once again, and I'd like to welcome you all to another edition of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'. I am here once more to hopefully bring some information that will serve as inspiration to us all. Thank you to everyone that is joining me once again. So for those of you that read the last post, I pointed out that I would be celebrating another birthday on March 11. In the last post I talked about how much I appreciate birthdays now. This time I'm going to briefly touch on what happened on my birthday this year. I had the opportunity to attend the Houston Rockets vs. Charlotte Hornets game in Houston. This was my second time going to an NBA game, but besides this one being on my birthday, what made it even more interesting was the seats me and my family had this time around. We were a lot closer to the action, and they actually cost a lot less than the ones we had last year. Many of you probably know that I'm a die hard San Antonio Spurs fan first, but I do like the Rockets as well. I favor the "Clutch City" Rockets from the 90's more, you know the teams that had Hakeem Olajuwon, Vernon Maxwell, Kenny Smith, etc. I could go on naming them, but I think you all get what I mean. The game itself wasn't that competitive, as the Rockets controlled the game for the most part. The big treat for me was seeing Kemba Walker from the Hornets play. Since I follow the NBA so closely, I can probably point out a player or players from nearly every team that I like. For the Hornets that would be Kemba. Though the Hornets lost the game (I'm glad they did), it was nice seeing Kemba play one of this better games of this year. He had 40 points, but I can't remember the exactly total number of assists and rebounds he had. Anyway, the guy was cooking, and it seems like he didn't miss. As I mentioned the game wasn't that competitive, but still a fun time. There were several other things I done for my birthday, but due to time constraints I will leave those details out. I want to thank everyone on Twitter that wished me a Happy Birthday. As I said in the last post, I appreciate these things so much more now that I'm older, and I can say without a doubt that the last two birthdays I have had were extremely special. I have my family to thank for that. Hopefully I will get to see another one next year. Alright, I've rambled enough, so lets go ahead and get into this week's topic of why losing your way doesn't mean you're entirely lost.

The topic of dealing with a person losing their way can be a tough one to tackle. For one, there are so many different ways that a person can lose themselves. It is for that reason that I am going to deal with generalities while discussing this topic. Secondly, a topic like this one often requires us to look at ourselves in a light that we may prefer not to. Often times when we lose our way in this journey life, it involves us falling back into a habit that isn't good for us. The even scarier thing in saying that is the idea that it often times isn't just a single habit that is affects us. I'm a firm believer that poor habits breed even poorer habits. As I pointed our earlier, habits can quickly turn into a downward spiral. Now one of the things that I've frequently brought up on this platform is the fact that we're imperfect individuals. This coincides with us losing our way due the fact that because we are imperfect people, there are going to be times when we will lose our way. Everyone's situations are going to be different, but there is no way to truly escape something that inescapable. Beating something that hinders us in life is often only the beginning; it is the war that rages on afterwards that matters the most. Now the reason why I have established all of this is show that it isn't all that difficult for us to lose our way. Also, if you do happen to lose your way at some point in life, though not a good thing, it isn't something that you should beat yourself up over. Again we're not perfect individuals, so none of us are immune to these things happening. Furthermore, and the main theme of this discussion is that if you do indeed happen to lose your way at some point in this life, all isn't totally lost.

I pointed out previously that beating something is often only the beginning. From my perspective, the struggles that we face in our lives are similar to a war. As much as many of us may hate to admit it, and that includes myself, wars in general are often never ending. The smaller battles that take place throughout a war can often lead us to think that the war is over. However, this is often far from the case, and the greater war will continue rage on. For example, lets say that an individual has an addiction to food right? This person loves food to the point where it has become a detriment to their life and health. Lets say that this person eventually beats and escapes this addiction to the point where they feel that have a grip on being able to control their addiction to food. Now similar to an an wound that someone has, if you pick at that wound enough, it can open up once again. Now the thing like something like food addiction, and most addictions in general, though you may have conquered them at a certain point in your life, they are still ever present. In the example that I'm giving with someone dealing with food addiction, escaping food is impossible because it is something that we need to survive. It is something that is always going to be around right? Therefore, it is something that you can necessary win a war against. The same person that has beat their food addiction can easy be triggered into falling back into their addiction to food if they're not able to consistently win the daily and individual battles that go along with being at war with yourself. I used food addiction as an example, but remember that this logic can apply to anything that hinders us from reaching our full potential. However, as I have stated several times already, all is not lost.

If you are someone that is maybe feeling like you've lost your way in this path in life as of late, be mindful that you can always get back on the right path again. This is the reasoning for why I say that losing your way doesn't mean that you are totally lost. This society that we live in that seems to harp more on the bad and negative can have you thinking that losing your way means that you are lost forever. We have to be able to see ourselves as if we're driving down an unknown highway. There are going to be times during your drive where the ride will be smooth and pain free. There are going to be times when there will be bumps and potholes that send a jolt of shock to us. Then there are going to be in the worse case scenarios where something causes us to veer of the road completely. Going off of the road completely is definitely a bad thing, but the thing about going off of the highway is that as long as you're able to survive the bumps and veering, you can always get back on the road. Remember that for as long as you're able to be on the road moving forward, then you are never truly lost. I use this analogy because I can distinctly remember using it years ago when I was talking to a friend of mine from high school. Also, I want you all that are reading this to keep in mind what I brought up earlier when I said that everyone has different things that may cause us to lose our way. I brought up the whole social media and television thing in the first paragraph because I know that much of what goes and it being shown through these outlets are much of the catalyst that causes people to lose their way. It often doesn't take much to plant a seed of negativity in our minds, and we know that seeds can always grow into something more. So this is just some inspiration for anyone that is feeling like they've lost their way recently. You are never lost, you may just have to battle whatever it is in your life that you're at war with. Time to stand up and fight back!

Well I believe that I have pretty much covered everything that I wanted for this topic, so it is time for me to depart for this go round. This is one that could be elaborated on more, and I'll leave the door open for that in the future. But for now, I'll leave it at this. This has once again been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'. I am Brad H., and I'd like to once again thank those of you that stopped by. If anyone has any comments or feedback to give, feel free to do so in the comment section. If you're on Twitter, you can also hit me up at the handle @BradrickH. I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far, and I hope that you all have an even greater week ahead. Till the next time that we meet, I wish you all the best. See you all in the next installment! Peace!

©2019 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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