Saturday, March 2, 2019

Why You Shouldn't Allow Others To Gauge Your Effort.

Opinions; you have them, I have them, we all have them. People are always going to have opinions in this life. Having an encounter without someone voicing their opinion about something is totally unrealistic. Opinions are pretty much limitless when it comes to when, who, and where to have them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and nothing or no one in this life is safe against having them formed against you. Having opinions formed against us can be something that can work in our favor. They can also work against us depending on what we're being judged upon. Of course people will have a positive reaction whenever someone forms a positive opinion of them. Positive and helpful opinions of us are the qualities that we all enjoy hearing from time to time. On the opposite side of the coin, negative opinions also play a factor in what other people may think of us as well. No matter what kind of person that you may be in this life, there are always going to be certain individuals are going to have negative perceptions of you. You can't please or make everyone happy, so it is highly unrealistic to believe that others will always have a good word for you. There are also some instances where the opinions of others will matter to you in an aspect of life that matters to you. This can be anything from a relationship, to a career, or a passion. These are those moments when we're being critiqued by people or a person that is in a position to judge us. One of the things that we will often be judged on during these moments is the amount of effort that we put towards something. The amount of effort that an individual puts forth can be another example of how the opinions of others can have either a positive or negative effect on us. In regards to effort, the opinions of others may matter when it comes to what they think of you, but your effort is something that only you can truly gauge.

Hey, what's going on good people? This is Brad H. back once again to bring you all another edition of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am back in the mix once again to bring a topic that will hopefully serve as inspiration to us all. Before I get into this week's topic, I wanted to address why my opinion on birthdays have changed over the years. Today is March 2nd, and my birthday will be in 9 more days on March 11th. I would say that since I turning 21 nearly seventeen years ago, I somewhat stopped getting excited about birthdays. I always enjoyed them when I was younger, but my opinion on them changed as I got older. Most people dread getting older because getting older often means that you have more years behind you than ahead in most cases. In the past few years I have changed my stance on birthdays once again. They align more now with how I viewed them when I was younger. Birthdays are special because turning another year older these days is truly something to be appreciative of. I think that most of us can admit that people are dying more younger these days than in past years. There was a time where you didn't really see people in their 30's and 40's with a lot of health issues, etc. Times have changed though, and people are checking out younger and younger. So with all of that being said, I appreciate and look forward to my birthday more now than I have in past years. Instead of seeing getting older as a bad thing, I see it as something that should be thought of very highly. Living a long life is something that many people are denied, so I feel that we all should celebrate the idea of making through another year. Another thing making my birthday even more exciting this year is that I'm going to the Houston Rockets and Charlotte Hornets game. I'm definitely looking forward to that. That pretty much sums up why my views on birthdays have changed. I hope that everyone that may have an upcoming birthday has a great one. Welcome to March baby! Alright y'all, now that I've gotten on my soapbox for a bit, lets go ahead and talk more about effort, and why we shouldn't allow others to gauge it.

Now when it comes to talking about a topic such as "effort", there are various ways to look at it. The reason for this is due to there being so many ways for effort to be interpreted. For example, the effort that is required to run in a marathon isn't the same as the effort that would be required to write a paper for a college course. However, though a marathon and writing may be two totally different activities in regards to the effort that may be required for them, what they have in common is they require you to make an attempt at something. You cannot run a marathon if you don't make an attempt to run, and you can't write a paper if you don't attempt to pick up a pen. The degrees of effort may vary, but they all require us to at least make an attempt. The act of making an attempt pretty much goes without saying when it comes to effort. However, the degrees of how effort is judged what I want to mainly focus on in this topic. We've all at some point or another have maybe heard someone either tell us or say to someone else that we're not trying hard enough. Maybe it was your parents, a teacher or a coach that said those words to you, but I'm pretty sure that anyone that is reading this has heard those words being spoken at some point in your life. Now the question that I want to bring forth is this. How exactly can another person truly gauge another person's effort if they're not able to see through the same lens as one another? In other words, if we're all different in how we see and experience things in this world, how can someone else truly gauge your effort? Now of course I'm not talking about the more obvious ways to see that a person may not be trying. Going back to the writing example that I brought up, of course a person that just scribbles on some paper and turns it in didn't really try. But what if someone writes the paper and it just isn't good because they're not good at writing? If the paper is bad because they're not that good of a writer, can their effort truly be questioned by another person?

As people, we are all both good and bad at doing various things. A person that is very savvy at writing could probably write a paper without having to put forth an insane amount of effort. Someone that may not be as good at writing would likely have to work harder and put more effort towards it to become successful at it. Going back to the marathon example I brought up, a person that has the genetics for running will likely be able to complete a marathon easier than someone that may not. That being said, just because a person may not necessarily be as good at something as others doesn't always reflect the level of effort that they put into whatever it is. You can have a person that wants to run a mile in under 6 minutes, but it just may not be genetically possible for them to do so despite their efforts. The honest truth is that there are going to be some things that people just aren't going to be as good at doing despite how hard they may try. However, that doesn't mean that the person making the attempt isn't putting forth the proper level of effort. This is why I feel that we shouldn't allow other people to gauge our effort when it comes to things. As I stated earlier, there are always exceptions when it comes to effort and people trying. Some people make it obvious that they're not putting forth effort when it comes to trying certain things. However, I think it is wrong to question someone that is clearly trying effort. From my perspective on this topic, effort and success don't always go hand in hand. Making an attempt towards something doesn't always guarantee that you will be successful at it. However, and this is the main point that I want to pound away at this week, as long as you feel within yourself that you've tried your best at whatever it is you may be attempting, that is all that should matter. Another person and their opinions when it comes to this are totally null and void from my perspective.

Expanding more on this topic, I have frequently brought up in the past that the truth is that no one else can live your life for you. We all have different ways of living, so there is going to be varying opinions when it comes to questioning another person's effort. Why you shouldn't allow others to gauge your effort I ask? Simply stated, your opinion of yourself matters way more than what someone else may think. Rather than focusing on what other people think of your effort when it comes to anything, I believe that it is more important to focus on doing your very best at whatever it may be. I believe that when we try our best and give our maximum effort within ourselves, it will show through towards other people. Even then, it is still more important that you feel within yourself that you tried your very best, and if you feel within that you have, then that is all that matters. No one else will know or understand you more than you know and understand yourself. Therefore, other people aren't entirely qualified to gauge your effort. One of the reasons why I bring all of this up is due to the fact that some of us as people allow the opinions of others to define us. In some instances, we find ourselves questioning ourselves solely based on what someone else thinks. You may feel that you are putting forth the full effort, yet someone else may not see it and find yourself questioning yourself. If you know within that you aren't really putting forth the effort, then yea you should take their criticism for what it is. But in the case where you know you've done your best in whatever it is that you're trying, don't let other people question and gauge your effort. I'm going to close out this topic by saying something that I've been saying for many years now, and it is something that I frequently tell others. Your best is good enough.

I have pretty much mentioned everything that I wanted to bring up, so it is time for me to go ahead and sign off for now. This has been another topic of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' brought to you by me, Brad H. A big thank you as always to everyone that stopped by for another week. I'm truly grateful to everyone that has done so. If you have any comments or feedback, please feel free to do so in the comments. You can also find me on Twitter at the handle @BradrickH. I hope that this topic was able to help someone out, and hopefully there was some valuable information that could be taken from it. I also hope that all of you enjoy the rest of the weekend, and I hope that everyone has a great week ahead. I'll be a year older the next time you all hear from me. What an exciting time to be alive! Till next go round, stay strong and be positive. I'll see you all in the next one! Peace!

©2019 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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