Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Importance Of Keeping Your Focus On Your Positive Habits And Attributes.

I think that most of us can agree that there is a lot of good and positive things to enjoy and embrace in this world that we're living in. There are simple things like laughter, smiling, nature, etc that we can associate as positive things. Though there is a lot of good and positive that comes along with life, we also know and realize that there is also a lot of negativity happening in this world. Beyond the negative events that we often see happening on the news and social media sites that we engage in, negativity often hits closer to home with so many people. I'm not going to address anything in particular that can be attributed to negativity in someone's life. Also, much of that depends on a person's perspective as to what they consider negative and what is not. Furthermore, everyone's circumstances and conditions are different, so what is considered negative and what not in a person's life is totally subjective. The main reason that I bring all of this up is due to the fact that it appears that many of the negative factors happening in life take precedence over the positive. Again this can be argued depending on who you are and how you think, but I do believe that a good portion of us can agree that this is often the case. Now beyond negativity just not being a good thing in my opinion, it can really have a damaging effect on us as people. Specifically, it can have an even greater effect on people that are striving to have more positive things happening in their lives. Because negativity can have a ripple-effect on us as people, it is of utmost importance for us to keep our focus on our positive habits and attributes.

Ladies and gentlemen; people here, people there and people everywhere, welcome to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! This is Brad H. back once again to hopefully dish out some knowledge and inspiration that can serve as some positive energy that inspires us to become better people. I hope that everyone has been doing great since the last topic as always. Spring is here, so I hope that things are beginning to look up for everyone that has been dealing with tough times as of late. So for this section where I briefly discuss something that isn't related to the topic for the week, I want to touch on the mainstream media and how it is total manipulation. Not unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure that you've heard of this scandal involving the president of the United States and the adult actress. I'm not going to mention either of their names because we all know who the president is, and I don't want to bring anymore attention to the adult actress than she is already getting. Anyway, I'm sure that most of you have noticed how all of the major news networks have been constantly reporting on this story. Now I know that most people love gossip, etc, but my question is why should any of this matter to our lives personally? I'll admit that it is embarrassing for our country that our president is involved in something of this nature. However, the media constantly reporting on it doesn't do anything for us besides keeping our minds focused on it. In essence, this whole story in my opinion isn't really news, but rather entertainment. Only the individuals involved in this benefit from it, because they are the ones that are getting all of the attention and press that goes along with the media shoving it in our faces. The mainstream media is totally trying to manipulate us with this, so for those of you that really want to be informed about the things that are important in our country, I would advise you to seek out alternative forms of media. That's pretty much all I want to say about that, so now we're going to go ahead and transition in the topic for the week on the importance of keeping our focus on our positive habits.

Before beginning with the topic that I'm addressing this week, I'm going to go ahead and give the usual disclaimer that I give. Every single one of us has different views and opinions on life. We will rarely always agree with another person 100% of the time, and I think this is both normal and healthy. The main focus with this and all of the other topics that are discussed on here is to provide inspiration for everyone, as well as a hub that encourages others to ponder on things in ways they may not have before. I'll never expect everyone to always share in my viewpoints. Of course I appreciate those that do, as well as those that may not. Whatever you feel or believe is totally up to you, and I appreciate everyone regardless of where you may stand on the things I discuss. As for how we arrived at this particular topic, there wasn't anything in particular that happened or I saw that compelled me to want to get this topic out there. This was just something that I had been thinking on one day recently, so I figured that if I were thinking about it, then it may be a good idea to share it with others. Besides that, I feel it is something that can be beneficial to others and myself. If there is so much negativity happening and taking place in this world, then why should focusing on the things that may be good about you be of importance? Most of all know by now that what you choose to give energy to has a great impact on our lives and how we think. Anything that I mention here in regards to this topic also applies to my life as well.

We've already established that this world can be a negative place to exist within today's society. It is just one of those unfortunate facts of life that we all have to live with. There are many of us out here trying to help fix the amount of negativity that is going on, but try as we may, it will always exist in some way, shape or form. Although there may be much negativity happening daily throughout this planet, we all have the choice whether to engage in it or not. Now someone out there may be like Brad H., how can a person not engage in something that happens all the time and likely won't stop? What I mean by this is that yes, negativity does exist in our world, but a person that is able to elevate their mind above it won't be prone to engage in it. It's just another anything else in life that happens that most of us would consider to be bad or negative. Ah yes; the mind, something that I frequently make reference to on here. Whether you see the positive or negative in this world all comes down to your mind and how you process things. Now going back to the choices aspect of negativity, I'm going to give an example of choices and negativity. Now we all know that crime is considered to be a negative aspect of life right? Now because we are all exposed to crime in a sense that we hear of it all the time, does that mean that we are going to go out there and do it? Absolutely not right! The same way we make the choices to do the right things in life, we also have the option of choosing not to allow the negative factors of life to affect us. Remember, there are always choices in life.

Now from my perspective, probably the biggest and most crucial way to ward off negativity deals with where we choose to give our energy and focus to. Now I may be in the minority with my thinking here, but I believe that every single person on this planet regardless of what they've done whether for good or for bad have some good attributes about themselves. Now since we live in a world that consists of so many negative forces, most people nowadays are going to focus on the bad in others. I'm sure that most of you can think to a time recently in your life where you heard someone that you were around say something negative about someone else. Whether they were accurate in their criticism of whomever they may have been talking about isn't the point, but the fact that the criticism wasn't positive is what I want to focus on. This is exactly why I think that it is imperative to focus on your positive attributes and habits. When you are constantly giving energy to the positive aspects of your life, you'll find that you're better able to brush off any kind of negative behaviors that others display whether indirectly or not. Because society in general consumes people with the negativity that often happens, those that may not have elevated their minds will often try to tear down those that have expanded their viewpoints of the world. This is a win-win two-fold. Not only are you able to not be consumed with negative forces via television, social media, etc; you also don't allow the negative opinions and criticisms from others to bring you to their level. From my perspective, being able to do this means that you have totally elevated yourself above much of the negativity this world brings.

Now despite my talking of elevating yourself and focusing your positive habits and attributes, achieving an advanced mindset like this isn't always easy. As we have said multiple times throughout this topic, the negative forces of life aren't going anywhere, and the truth is that many of us mentally aren't ready for the elevated mindset that I've mentioned. There are going to be times where you are focusing on your positive attributes, but you'll probably still find yourself at various times in your life consumed with negative thoughts and emotions at the expense of others. We have to learn to think of positive thinking as muscle that constantly needs to be trained on in order to build. What better way than to build a powerful mind than with keeping your focus on the good things about yourself? Whatever habits you have that you think are good about yourself, keep on practicing them. Whatever attributes that you feel are good about you, keep on growing and expanding them. We want to turn ourselves into people that have an almost force-field like aura about ourselves that negativity forces flee whenever they come around us. I know that is a bit extreme on my part, but I'm sure that most of you get what I mean by this. Negative factors won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so it is best that we do all we can to fight those kinds of things off. Otherwise, we're going to find that we're in the same army as those that have allowed negativity to break them down. So with all of that said, keep on focusing on those positive habits folks.

Well it is time once again for me to go ahead and sign off for another week. I want to give extra thanks to everyone that once again stopped by for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! Per the usual, I hope that there was some understanding and meaning that was able to be gained from this. If anyone has any feedback or concerns, please leave those in the comments, or you can hit me up on my Twitter handle @BradrickH. I hope that everyone is having a great weekend thus far. I know a lot of you sports fans out there are excited since baseball started a few days ago, as well as the NCAA basketball finale being set, and the NBA playoffs starting soon. Good time of the year isn't it? Well I hope everyone enjoys, and I'll see you all in the next topic. Take care, stay strong, stay positive! Peace!

©2018 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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