Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Focus On Daily Goals, Rather Than Long Term Goals. (Marathon vs. Sprint Mentality).

November 15, 2013; the last time before now that I posted on this blog. Wow, it's now been exactly a two month hiatus that I've been on. As some of you may already know from previous entries, I'm not one to make excuses for my sporadic extended absences from time to time. However, there were several circumstances that led to me developing a lack of motivation to write anything for a few weeks. I don't want to get into too much detail, but I ended up losing a very close relative of mine a few days before Thanksgiving. We all know that it's never easy to deal with the loss of a loved one. It's one of those things that we all experience at sometime or another and no matter how many times we have to go through it, it's a feeling that we can never fully get used to. R.I.P. to my Aunt Gloria. You will forever be missed.

Although we're a little over 2 weeks into 2014, I want to begin by wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Because I literally haven't posted since 2013, I think it is fitting to start off the 2014 run of 'Brad H's. Perspective' by wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year. Since we're still fresh into this brand new year, I think that the topic that I have planned comes at a good time. I think that this topic will apply to those of us that may have some goals set for this new year. I also hope that it resonates with those who make those New Years resolutions that often disappear after a month or two.

Anyone that knows me pretty well are aware that I'm not one to make New Years resolutions anymore. I'll admit that I've made them in past years like most other people when a new year rolled around. However, I made the decision to throw in the towel on them maybe 3 or 4 years ago. I just personally started to find them to be nothing but excuses for some of the things that I should be already doing year round on a consistent basis. Also, I found that the New Years resolution pep talks sounded good at the beginning of the year but as the months began to pass by, they began to become more and more irrelevant.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people being optimistic in regards to living to see a new year. For some reason or another, a brand new year can mentally gives us hope and a fresh outlook that we can change whatever wrongs that exist in our lives for the better. However, I personally believe it's more beneficial to concentrate on setting daily goals, rather than long term goals that may be more difficult to achieve. You're probably wondering to yourself; What is the difference? Well from my viewpoint, those daily goals that you set and accomplish are the ones that can help those long term goals to be reached the proper way.

Prime example; lets say that a person is aiming to lose weight for the new year, which is a goal that A LOT of people set for the new year. Now do you believe it would be more beneficial to lose weight the healthy way by dieting and exercising daily, or by partaking in poor dieting habits where you're probably not exercising, and starving yourself to get those pounds off? Both of these methods can lead to reaching the goal of losing weight, but focusing on losing weight daily will allow the weight to come off in a manner that is not detrimental to your long term health. One other thing to keep in mind when it comes to daily goal setting is that it helps in teaching us to become disciplined in life. Positive daily habits and consistency are the key, regardless of whatever our long terms plans may be.

Always try to keep in mind that life is a marathon rather than a sprint. Work towards those long term goals by focusing daily on whatever it is that you're trying to achieve. View your daily goals as pieces of a larger puzzle that you're planning on piecing together. We don't have to always rush and accomplish things overnight. Sometimes it's good to just take your time and pace yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.

Well that's all I have for this edition of 'Brad H's. Perspective'. I want to stress that what was discussed in this post applies to me, and that I'm not telling anyone how to approach their goals. Just view it as friendly advice through my own thought process. I hope that it touches someone. I have more ideas and topics planned for this year, and I hope that you'll join me on this journey. Again I want to wish all a healthy and prosperous 2014, and I hope that you all achieve whatever goals you have for 2014. I'll see you in the next post. Peace!

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