Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Difficulty Of Doing What Is Best For You In Today's World.

One of the things that I can truly say that I miss from my days of growing up is how people embraced what it meant to be unique. It just appeared to me that people accepted and embraced what it meant to be an individual. Now I'm speaking solely on my own perspective of what I saw, and I am positive there were exceptions to this back then. However, just generally speaking, it just seemed to me that people understood the importance of individuality. I'm not sure exactly when I noticed the shift, but at some point I believe that there was a shift away from individuality. Again, I am speaking strictly from a general perspective, but I do believe that most of us will admit that being unique has become rare over the past few decades. In today's world, it seems that everyone wants to be accepted by everyone despite how unrealistic of a thing that is. We have developed into a society of people pleasing to the point where it feels like everyone is doing whatever they think is the popular thing. How many people can truly say that they are happy and content with being that way? Generally speaking, so many people in this world are way too concerned with opinions of others, and it is causing many to neglect doing what is in their own best interest. All of this coincides with how difficult it has become doing what is best for you in today's society. 


Yo! What's up everybody? It is your boy Brad H. back to once again present you all with another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am here to give my perspective on a topic that will hopefully serve as motivation for us to keep progressing in our lives. I hope that you all have been doing well since the last topic, and I hope that this week's topic will be of value to you all! So for my soapbox this week, I wanna get into some basketball talk real quick. I just finished watching the NBA All Star Saturday night festivities. Boy, talk about a huge disappointment! The Slam Dunk Contest this year was so horrible in my opinion. While I was watching the competition, all I could think about was how much I miss the 90s and even the early to late 2000s when it came to this competition. At least during those times they had some of the best players in the league competing. Michael Jordan, Dominique Wilkins, Julius Erving, Kobe Bryant are a few names that have competed and won. Nothing against the competitors they had this year, but most of these players are guys that only hardcore fans know about. I hope they can find a way to made All Star Saturday night more appealing like it once was. Hopefully the All Star game tomorrow is good, but I really don't know. Congrats to Obi Toppin on winning this year, as well as Karl-Anthony Towns winning the Three Point Shootout! Well now that I've addressed that, lets go ahead and get into the difficulty of doing what is best for us in today's society.

Now before we get more in depth with this week's topic at hand, I want to begin by stating that I do realize that a topic of this nature will not apply to everyone. I do understand that not everyone struggles with doing what they perceive is best for them. This week's topic is mainly geared towards those that have problems of this nature. It also will hopefully serve as continued inspiration for those that are strong enough to not get caught up in the opinions of others. Now I spoke earlier of how from a solely general perspective, society at large seemed to value individualism. Again, I'm not suggesting that the concept of embracing what it means to be an individual is completely gone. There are many areas, as well as people in life that accept people for whom they are regardless of how unique it may be to society. However, we would be lying to ourselves if we were to say that we've become a world filled with followers over leaders. What I mean by this is that so many of us are too willing to follow and do what others think we should do, or we are too caught up in wanting to do what we perceive is the popular things. This is a followers mentality from my perspective. People that are leaders tend to do what they want regardless of what is the "in" thing, and they certainly do not get caught up in the opinions of others. As I alluded to earlier, this was generally lacking in past decades. 

So now that I have given an overview of how I feel that individualism has changed over the years, lets get into how it relates to today for so many people. From my perspective, and because we live in a world that lacks individuality, there are too many of us that aren't doing the things that are best for us. What I mean by saying this is that too many of us are neglecting the things that are best for our lives because we are worried about the opinions of others. We have developed into a society where so many people think first about how something will look to others, rather than thinking about how it will benefit us first and foremost. When you couple that with the increasing pressure from society to do what everyone else is doing to fit in, then you have a recipe for a society filled with people that are unfulfilled. As an example, think of a person that constantly posts selfies of themselves online constantly. I'm sure that most of us know people like this if we aren't doing it ourselves. Again, I'm not here to judge, but just trying to set up an example of where I'm going with this. For the people that are always posting these pictures, do you really believe that they would be doing it unless they were worried about what others think? It's a total form of self validation from others, and though it may be something I personally do not do always, I can understand how it has become so relevant in today's world.  

I hope that by this point I have established how difficult that it can be for a person to do what's best for them in today's world. What is left to ponder on is why has our society developed into a place where there are people just following what others do? I don't believe that there is a single answer to this question due to the fact that there are so many variables that go into the state of our world today. What I do know is that probably now more than ever is the time where we as a people have to fight. What I mean by this is that we have to be vigilant in making sure that we are living as individuals and not as a collective from a worldly standpoint. It almost reminds me of when we were kids and there was constant peer pressure to do what we thought would make our peers like us more. We're in a society where there are adults acting this way, which is why we have to live and govern ourselves accordingly. I really didn't want to use this topic as a way to find solutions as to why doing what is best can be so difficult. The main goal that I have with this topic is to let those of you that may be facing this in your lives know that you are not alone. I'm sure that it is difficult for many in this world, but we have to hold the line and continue to do the things that bring us joy in this life. Sometimes doing those things may go against the grain, but finding true happiness sometimes means that you're willing to do the opposite of the majority.  

Well that about wraps it up for this week's topic on the difficulty of doing what is best for you in today's world. I hope that you all found this topic to be encouraging and beneficial to your life. This has once again been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' brought to you by Brad H. I want to thank those of you that stopped by once again. I appreciate all the support and feedback. Please feel free to leave any feedback on this particular post in the comment box, and I will be sure to read what you all think. I'm signing off for now, so I hope you all have a great rest of your weekend and an even better week ahead. I'll see you all on the next topic! Take care folks and peace out!

©2022 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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