Saturday, May 22, 2021

Why Your Intentions Outweigh The Benefits Of What You're Trying To Achieve.

I believe that to be alive is to have ambitions. Living a life without having anything to strive towards is an empty existence from my perspective. Saying that everyone has certain ambitions in life is something that most people can probably agree with. We may all have different types of goals that we're hoping to reach in life, but the fact remains that everybody has ambitions. I believe that every goal has a journey that is included within that goal. A goal often isn't reached in a single day, and there are many that will take an extended length of time to reach. One of my favorite quotes is "It's not the destination, it's the journey." Now that quote can mean different things to different people. However, my personal interpretation of it is that the journey towards what we're aiming for has to be one rooted in truth. All of this boils down to a person's intentions when it comes to what goals they're hoping to obtain. Many people don't take into account how important our reasons for why we do the things we do. I personally think that this is something isn't addressed enough, and I think it is hurtful to us in the long run toward our goals. Intentions matter, and the intentions that are behind what we do can often outweigh the benefits of what we're hoping to gain. 

Hey, what's going on everyone? This is Brad H. back once again, and welcome to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am back to give my perspective on a topic that I think would be beneficial to our lives. I hope that things are going well for you wherever you are, and thank you for joining me again. So for my soapbox this week, I have to say that I am pretty excited! We have the NBA Playoffs kicking off today! I am currently watching the last game for the night, which is the Denver Nuggets and Portland Trailblazers. There were some pretty good games earlier today. We had the Milwaukee Bucks taking down the Miami Heat in an overtime game. The next game saw the Dallas Mavericks beat the Los Angeles Clippers. Then we had the Boston Celtics lose to the Brooklyn Nets. If you are an NBA fan, you have got to love playoff basketball. I'm not going to give my predictions on all the series because that would take up too much time. I will just say now that I believe Milwaukee, the Clippers, Brooklyn and Denver will probably win their first round series. We have another full day of games on tomorrow as well! If you are a basketball fan, I would love to hear some of your predictions in the comments. Well I don't want to keep this long, so lets go on and get into why I believe intentions outweigh the benefits.


Now before we get into intentions and how they have a correlation to goals and achievements, I want to start off by mentioning that this topic isn't meant to demean and question anyone's motives for what they do. Everybody has to define for themselves what their reasons and motivations are for the decisions they make. It's a personal matter that must be defined by you as an individual. The idea that I have with this topic is that I want to address why I personally feel that intentions are so important. We all have intentions, and I think it is more pertinent to focus on those for the reasons and examples that I will be mentioning throughout this topic. Also, all of what I'm going to bring up is my own personal perspective. I'm in no way trying to imply that what I say is law when it comes to this topic. I just hope that I am able to give a perspective that some, if not all of you that read this can identify with. I have a feeling that most of you will be able to relate to this, so lets go ahead and begin with intentions first and foremost. 

Intentions for the most part are the reasons as to why we attempt to do something. You can also view it as a motivation for wanting to do something. As I pointed out earlier, we all have intentions and motives when it comes to why we chose to do certain things. The kicker with intentions is just like much of life in general, there can be both good and bad behind them. Even more of a kicker is that sometimes there is a grey area that is somewhere in the middle between good and bad. It can be confusing to determine, which is why I stated that everyone has to define their reasons and motivations for the choices we make. Now the reason I pointed out both the good and bad that comes with intentions is that there are many people in this world that have bad intentions behind things they do. For example, we are all aware of people that will help someone else, but their reasons for helping may not be entirely pure. They may be doing something for someone else in order to gain something instead of doing it with good intentions. I personally believe that this is something we've all been guilty of at sometime or another. However, this is is something that we have to look towards changing if it applies, and the reasons as to why I think we do is what drove me to bring this topic up in this week's edition. 

Now you can be someone that may not always have the best of intentions behind what you do, and you can very well still have things work out for you. That is just the reality of life sometimes. However, from my personal perspective, more times than not, there will often be some sort of retribution in the long run from not having good intentions. This is primarily why I feel that our intentions outweigh any possible benefits that come along with what we're trying to do. I believe that if your heart and your mind isn't in the right place when it comes to making decisions, whatever you may be attempting will not be successful long term. I can say that I would personally rather have something not work out for me if I knew that my intentions behind what I was attempting were good. You can call it karma, the law of attraction, etc, but the reality is that you will likely end up playing yourself when you have bad intentions. I had a conversation with my sister a couple of weeks ago, and I can recall telling her that your intentions are much more important than the benefits a person is hoping to receive. That is ultimately led me to write this topic. I'll end by saying don't play yourself when it comes to your intentions. Make sure they are aligned with whatever you're trying to do. That's the best way to live and be at peace from my perspective. 


That is all that I got for this round folks! I would like to thank you once again for joining me for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I hope that I was able to convey the message from this topic in a manner that was easy to relate to. If you have any comments or feedback that you would like to leave, please feel free to do so in the comment box. You can also connect with me on Twitter @BradrickH if you'd like. I truly appreciate you all, and I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend. I'm going to sign off and finish watch this game, so till next time, peace out and take care. See you all on the next topic!


 ©2021 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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