Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Importance Of Giving The Events In Your Life Time To Work Out.

We've all heard various phrases and quotes that describe time when it comes to living life. Phrases such as "living on borrowed time, and "time heals all wounds" are just a few of many ways that time can be described. As with probably many other people in this world when it comes to time, I'm of the belief that time is one of life's concepts that can either work with or against us. In some ways it can be viewed as a "frenemy"; both a friend and enemy depending on the situations and circumstances that we're facing. Regardless of what your individual beliefs may be when it comes to time and how it relates to your life, there is no denying that it plays a major part in how we navigate through this maze of life. One of the things that I've talked about in past entries via this blog is patience and how it seems that so many of us in today's society lacks it. Living in and growing up in a fast paced world has conditioned our society to believe that nearly everything has to happen fast. Besides the idea of lacking patience, I believe that one of the issues with so many of us expecting everything to happen fast is that it can lead to self worth issues. How many instances have you seen where people you know have gotten down on themselves when something that they'd hope would work out didn't? Maybe it wasn't a situation where you witnessed it with another person, but rather it was a point in your own life where you faced it. Could it be something that wasn't only a period in your life, but rather something that you're dealing with at this current moment? I'm sure this may sound familiar to most of you, because I believe that this is something that most of us have either dealt with in the past, or we're currently dealing with now. Though we may fight with it at times, there are some events in this life where you have to let go, and give them the appropriate time to work themselves out.

Yo! What's up once again good people? This is Brad H. back once again for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I'm back to address a topic that has been on my mind as of late, and hopefully to use that topic as a catalyst that can inspire us. I hope that things have been going well in you all's lives as of late. So the NBA season is over, and the Golden State Warriors were not able to capture their 3rd straight title. They fell to the Toronto Raptors in six games. Now I'm on the record stating that I personally wanted to see the Warriors win despite not being a Warriors fan at all. I just think that the "3-Peat" would have marked a great close to their story being that there is so much uncertainty as to how their team would look next season. It also would have been great for them to win it all in their last season at Oracle Arena. Now as most of the world knows by now, Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson both suffered season ending injuries that will likely keep both of them out all of next season. I know that Kevin Durant got and still gets a ton of heat for signing with the Warriors, but I truly hate that he suffered that injury. I come to have an even greater level of respect for him, because it was clear that he was not healthy enough to play, yet he still went out there and potentially put his career on the line. I believe that is an honorable thing considering we live in an era of sports where athletes appear to care more about money than the sports they participate in. I hope that K.D. has a speedy recovery, and his able to come back stronger whether he is with the Warriors or another team. As for Klay Thompson, guy is a true warrior in my opinion. The man tore his ACL, but still tried to be there for his team. That is admirable as well, but sometimes you need to be saved from yourself, and it seems like that is what the people that care for Klay done. I hope he has a speedy recovery as well. I say all of that to say that though I don't care for the Warriors, I gained an extreme amount of respect for their team. They fought to the end despite the injuries they had. Congrats to the Toronto Raptors for winning their first title, though their fan base that cheered when Durant got injured was wrong. We'll see what happens this summer in free agency, but I'm going to end the NBA talk for now and move into this week's topic of the importance of giving the events in our lives time to work out.

Now I mentioned earlier how the the world that we live in is generally full of individuals that are extremely impatient. I can think back to a time when I was younger when the majority of people received the news through the television, newspaper, or radio. Things such as the news back then weren't so fast and "breaking". Now the 24 hour news cycle that we live in via the internet puts the news at our disposal instantly whenever it drops. Now I'm in no way implying that this is a bad thing. I'm just setting up how a fast paced society can lead to people wanting things fast. As I brought up earlier, the biggest downside I see to such a fast paced world is a lack of patience among people. Now from my perspective, patience is something that we all need at exhibit at times. However, I do believe that it is important to know when circumstances calls for it. None of us can always get what we want when we want it, nor does being overly patient benefit us. It's importance to find a healthy balance between being patient, and going to the extreme with it. Now when it comes to the lack of patience that so many of us have, the scary thing is that not having the proper amount of patience can potentially make the circumstances in our lives even more worse. It's a known fact that often times when we illogically rush into situations that aren't thoroughly considered with patience, we end up doing or saying things that we often live on to regret. It is those very situations that had we exercised a little more patience and given them the chance to work out, they likely would have ended favorably for us. Picture a boxer that rushes in throwing punches without any regard for what could happen to them. The chances of that boxer being caught by a punch and going down is greater than had that same boxer had patience and a plan going into the ring.

Before I go more into why it I feel it is important to allow things to work themselves out in our lives, I want to relate it to a story that is personal to me. When I was in the 9th grade I decided that I was going to play basketball for the school. I had always been playing basketball with my friends, but I had never played organized basketball. On the third day of school I had an incident happen at home during the evening where I cut the middle finger of my left hand, which is my shooting hand. It was bad enough that I had to immediately go to the emergency room and have stitches placed on my finger. So basically this kept me from doing anything basketball related besides running. Of course I felt dejected about this due to the fact that I hadn't even gotten a chance to practice since it was so early in the school year. As the weeks went on afterward the incident, I was starting to feel as if my finger wouldn't heal and be the same again. I started to become impatient, and even tried to test myself one evening to see if I could shoot a basketball, which turned out to be a painful mistake. Eventually the stitches came out, but there was still an open wound in my finger. Again, I was worried that it wouldn't heal, and I begin to doubt if I would ever be able to play ball again. Eventually the finger healed up, and though it has some residual nerve damage that will be with me the rest of my life, I was able to eventually play basketball. Though I was a teenager when this happened, it is something that I still reflect on today when the though of if things will work themselves out will come. This is just one example of many, and I'm sure that many of you have your own personal stories of how your patience was tested.

So why is it of importance to give the events our lives time to work out? Well from my perspective on this topic, being impatient and irrational can exasperate us and our lives even more. I used the incident I had with my finger as an example, but this can apply to nearly any area of our lives. From my experience of living life, I've learned that most of the problems in our lives are circumstances that can often be worked out if we just allow things to run their course. The biggest evidence of this is something that I often relate to other people when they're conveying to me that they're facing difficulties. We've all faced situations in our lives that we didn't see an end to right? When you think back to those same situations that you felt were dire at the time they were taking place, and then you find yourself thinking about where you are right now, it is proof that you made it through right? If you're here now that means you made it through, and if you made it through in the past, why can't you do it today? Time is the biggest indicator of this, and it is often the most importance aspect of conquering the challenges we face. There are too many of us in this world that are engaging in habits that are bad in the long run for our lives because we expect everything to happen so fast. Furthermore, we hastily act because we believe that every issue in our lives has to be solved by us alone. While I will admit that the majority of the fixing in our lives has to be done by us, sometimes it is better to allow something or someone greater to take the reigns. The onus lies within us, but remember that sometimes other people are much better at handling things that we are. So for everyone out there in a situation that you don't see an end to, give it some time to work itself out. Doing this will allow you to look back someday and smile knowing that you made it through, and you'll be a much better person for it.

I believe that pretty much sums up what I think about this week's topic of giving the events in your life time to work themselves out. With that being said, I'm going to go ahead and bring this to a close. I'd like to thank those of you that came through once again for tuning into another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! As always, I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that was able to be gained from this. I also hope that my words were able to serve as some kind of inspiration for you all. Feel free to leave any comments, or if you want to connect with me on Twitter, you can follow me @BradrickH. Well I hope you all are having a great weekend so far. Try and do something fun, but also keep yourselves hydrated if you're going to be outdoors. Take care everyone, and I'll see you all in the next one. Peace!

©2019 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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