Saturday, September 1, 2018

Never Expect Others To Have Your Heart (Some People Are Cut From A Different Cloth).

For many of us during our time growing up as a youth, there's a saying that most of our parents' and elders drove home on a regular occasion for many of us. The saying that I'm referring to is the famous one that goes; "Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you." I'm sure that this sounds familiar to many of you, and depending on where you're at in your life in regards to whether you're a parent, teacher or mentor to someone else, you probably use some form of iteration of this statement to make a point to someone else. The phrase that I've brought up of doing unto others as you would like done to you is pretty straightforward and standard. It comes from the idea that we should treat others as we would want others to treat us. Now if you ask me, I think that this way of thinking should be a standard for how everyone should strive to live. I mean if you want other people to treat you fairly and well, you should be willing to do the same unto others right? That said, most of us know and understand by now that in reality life often doesn't always work out that way. There are often situations and experiences in this life where you're going to be kind and fair with other people, and everything positive that you give out towards others won't always be reciprocated back to you. I know that this is an aspect of life that sucks, and it is hard for many people to accept. However, as much as we may not like this aspect of life, it is just one area of life that we have to accept is going to happen at times. For those that frequently experience the downside of consistently doing right by others and doing right in general, only not to receive it back often feel frustrated. We just can't figure out or understand why people whom are supposed to care for you can prey on our kindness and use it against us. While feeling frustrated and angry by this kind of behavior is understandable, accepting that people are just the way they are is critical to being able to remedy this issue. The reality is that some people in this life are cut from a different cloth, and you cannot always expect others to have your kind heart.

Hey what's good people? This is your main man Brad H. back at it once again for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am coming at you all once again to hopefully bring everyone a bit of inspiration and wisdom that will hopefully serve us in our lives. I hope that all has been good and well for everyone since the last topic that was covered. So for my soapbox this week, I want to acknowledge death and how so many people allow their differences in beliefs to blind them from the bigger picture of life. By now, nearly everyone is aware of the recent passing of Senator John McCain of Arizona. Senator McCain died at age 81 after a battle with brain cancer. Senator McCain was easily one of the most beloved politicians that America has ever had, and it is showing from the constant coverage in the days following his passing. Now I'm not going to get on here and that that I politically supported John McCain, nor did I vote for him when he ran for president. I can say that though I may have disagreed with him politically, he always seemed like a stand up man, and there probably isn't another politician that has suffered the kind of trauma that he has from being a prisoner of war. However, besides having differing views than he had, I can put that aside to say that I wish his family and everyone that is grieving behind his passing all the best in the coming days. Too often in life we allow our differences to cloud our minds to what really matters. All of us right now are carrying on with our lives, but his family is grieving now, and the coming days are going to be hard for them. I can remember back in 2009 when Senator Ted Kennedy died from the same ailment that Senator McCain succumbed to, there were people saying harsh things such as "Rest in piss", etc. All of this because of differences in political ideology. Again, we may not always agree with people, but there isn't anything in this life that is bigger than death; not even politics. I'm sure that everyone that comes across this has lost a loved one before, so we all know how hurtful it can be. So whether you supported the late senator or not, keep his family in your thoughts in the days ahead. A lot of us don't really care much about something until it affects us directly. We gotta change that since none of us are immune to the hurtful moments of life. Alright, now that I've addressed that, it's time to get into this week's topic of not expecting others to have or understand your heart.

So now that I've gotten all of that taken care of, I'm going to go ahead and give the regular disclaimer that I give before putting my thoughts out there for others to take a look at. We're all unique individuals that have different outlooks and viewpoints on how we see this life. Because of this logic and way of thinking, it is unrealistic to think that we all will always agree on everything. The objective that I have with this isn't to focus on what is right or wrong, nor is it my mission to try and get everyone to agree with me. The mission with this is to hopefully provide some inspiration for all of us that can hopefully get the creative juices in our minds going. I frequently liken this to being an outlet where we're able to inspire and learn from one another. As I always mention, I don't expect everyone out there to agree with me, and that is totally fine. Whether you happen to agree with me or not on this or any of the other topics that I've covered, I appreciate every single person that has read and/or provided any feedback. That is something that I cannot say enough. As for why I chose this as the topic for this installment, I would attribute it to recent thoughts that I've been having recently about how so many of us expect others to have the same mindset as we do. It's actually quite funny that I'm even saying that considering that I always make it a priority to mention how we are all unique individuals. Even knowing this to be a fact, there are many people that still find it frustrating when others don't think or act in a manner in which they do. I chose to bring this topic up as a discussion because I think it is important for us to realize that the differences that make us all unique applies in every aspect of life; both for good and bad. Though it may be something that is hard for some people to understand or accept, not everyone will appreciate or relate to the kind heart that you may have. This topic is meant to hopefully get others to understand this, and find ways to combat against it.

For those of you that may be a little older, or if you're a fan of the 'Rocky' movie series that Sylvester Stallone made famous, you have probably seen 'Rocky V'. Though the Rocky franchise is one of the more popular franchises in the film industry, the fifth entry is considered by many to be the worst of the franchise. I'm not going to review the film, but there is a scene from the film that I really like that I feel speaks to the topic that I'm addressing this week. In the film, the main character Rocky Balboa has retired from boxing, and he ends up meeting an up-and-coming fighter named Tommy that he takes under his wing. Through Rocky's tutelage and experience, Tommy rises up the boxing ladder and becomes a champion fairly quickly. Of course with his newly acquired fame and success, Tommy develops a more arrogant attitude and ultimately leaves the man that helped get him to that point, Rocky. After trying to unsuccessfully coerce Tommy that he was being blinded and manipulated by his success, Rocky feels hurt that Tommy has basically left him out in the cold. Now the scene that really stands out is one where Rocky's wife in the film, Adrian, attempts to comfort Rocky following an intense confrontation between Rocky and Tommy. After another intense encounter, this time between Rocky and his wife, she goes on to tell Rocky the following: "I know when somebody like Tommy comes along you feel alive, but he's not you, he doesn't have your heart." Now there is much more that was said during this scene, and I would highly recommend those of you that have yet to see this film to look that scene up on Youtube. However, the quote from her is the one that I want to key in on in regards to what I'm talking about in this installment. Not everyone is going to have the same kind of heart and spirit that you have, and there are some people out there that will take advantage of it. You have guy like Rocky in the film that opens his home to a stranger that he barely knows. He goes on to help train and be a mentor to this person, only to be left out when the success comes. I know that this is only a film that I'm referring to, but truth be told, there are some people out there that have big hearts similar to what Rocky's wife said about him.

Now there have probably been times in your life where you've heard someone mention that they're cut from a different cloth. I'm sure that most of you are already aware of what I'm about to say, but this saying isn't one to be taken literally. I think that it is one of those popular cliche sayings that can have various ways of being defined, but for me personally when I think of what it means to be cut from a different cloth, I think of someone that stands out from everyone else. This doesn't mean that they're better than the next person, nor does it mean they are particular special. I just see it as a person that has views or carry themselves in a manner in which most others happen not to. Now thinking about how our world is today when it comes to how so many people treat one another, wouldn't you guess that a person that has a big heart is unique? I personally believe this to be the case, and this can apply to nearly anything. People that tend to have big hearts are often the ones that get hurt easily by others. This is something that many people won't understand. Because of how cold our world has become over the years, people that have heart are often seen as being weak. Some people may wonder to themselves; why would a person continuously be kind and do right by others when so many people in this world try to take advantage of them? Well from my perspective, that is the very reason why I say people like this are cut from a different kind of cloth. You see, I think it is probably easier to just be like; you know what, people are cruel, this world is cruel, I'm just going to be cruel like everyone else. That is the route that a lot of people that have been taken advantage of often take. But from my perspective, a person that is cut from a different cloth stays true to themselves if that is genuinely the kind of person they are. They don't allow this world or other people to hardened their hearts to stone like most of this world tends to do. I personally feel like this is what makes people like this so special and unique, hence why I say that some people are cut from different cloth.

So now that we've used an example of having a big heart and explained why I believe that people of this nature are cut from a different cloth, how exactly do people with big hearts protect themselves from being hurt by others? Well from my perspective on this one, if you happen to be a person that has a big heart and you continue to stay true to yourself and who you truly are, the likelihood of keeping your heart from being hurt is something that probably won't happen. I know that probably isn't the ideal response, but hey, that's just my belief on it. Due to the fact that people of this nature are often being true to who they are and not willing to conform to this world, being hurt by other people is likely eventual. I think that the silver lining and the probably the biggest takeaway I want to leave from this is though you may not want to be like everyone else, you can give yourself an upper hand by not expecting others to have the heart that you do. I believe that a lot of people have too much expectations when it comes to this world and others. As I touched on earlier, we often believe that if we do right by people that they will in turn do right by us. This isn't always the case as I mentioned earlier, but if you come to lower your expectations when it comes to other people, then you will be able to soften the blow of being hurt or taken advantage of by others. Again, many of us as people expect others on most occasions to see things the way we do, and that way of thinking is why people are often disappointed and let down by others. Like I always mention in nearly every single installment of this blog series, we're all unique and have different viewpoints. You cannot always expect other people to understand you. You can't expect others to reciprocate what you give them back to you. Always be mindful and proud of your positive traits, but also be mindful of how you use those positive traits when it comes to others. I'll close by saying not to allow the negative aspects of life to deter you from your kind heart, but never have expectations when it comes to what people think of you.

Well I think I've pretty much said all that I've wanted in regards to this topic. I'm going to go ahead and sign off for now, so thank you all once again to everyone that took out some time to see what I have to say. This has been another 'Brad H.'s Perspective' production brought to you by Brad H. I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that could be taken from this. If there is anything that anyone wants to add or give any feedback on, please feel free to do so in the comment section. You can also hit me up or follow me on Twitter @BradrickH. Well the weekend is here, so I hope that everyone has a fun and safe one. It is so exciting that this time next weekend that many of us will be gearing up for NFL football. This is definitely the fun time of the year in my opinion, so lets go ahead and try to enjoy it to the best of our ability. Enjoy the holiday weekend folks, and I'll see you all in the next one. Till next time, I wish you all the best. Stay tuned, and peace!

©2018 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.


  1. It is so true so many people want others to be nice and help them and when they get what they need they are gone not caring how the person that helped them are.

    1. @Jessysweet, You are absolutely right about that. People are so forgetful at times and that is truly sad. Thank you so much for this comment!
