Saturday, September 29, 2018

How Positive Daily Habits Throughout Your Life Can Aid You In Handling Negative Factors.

The majority of us all know by now that habits are a part of our daily lives. For the most part, we are all creatures of habit. Some of these habits that we employ are done on a conscious level, and some of them are subconsciously driven. For example, when you put on your shoes, you probably subconsciously put the first shoe on a specific foot before the other. You may subconsciously tie your left shoe before your right shoe every single time, etc. This is an example of how we all practice habits on a subconscious level. Then there are the habits that we partake in that we consciously engage in. When you make the choice to go for a walk everyday, that is a conscious choice that you make to improve your health. If you make the choice to just sit around and never exercise or move your body, you are also making a conscious choice to not improve your health. Whether for good or for bad, habits are a driving force in our lives. Now we all know that there are good and bad habits, but for the topic that I'm going to covering for this installment, I want to focus more on the habits that are deemed to be more positive. I just gave an example of what I consider to be a positive habit when I talked about improving your health. However, I will also acknowledge that what is considered to be a positive or negative habit is something that is subjective to what an individual thinks. It also comes down to what an individual considers to be right for their own life. Now when we think of positive habits, we also think of activities that we engage in that produce some kind of positive results in our lives. Now regardless of how positive your habits are or how positive of a person you may be, we all know that there will occasionally be factors that are going to affect us negatively. There is no way around avoiding negative factors happening in our lives. However, depending on the severity of those negative factors, there are various ways that we can combat against those them. The practice of positive daily habits throughout our lives that can help greatly in handling those potentially negative factors.

Hello once again ladies and gentlemen! This is your main man Brad H. back once again to bring you another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! Thank you once again to all of you that are joining me on this journey of inspiration and self-awareness. I'm back for another week to give my personal perspective on a topic that has been on my mind recently. By addressing the topic that I'm going to discuss, I'm hoping that it will serve as inspiration that can hopefully help us all to keep on moving forward in our lives. So for this week's section where I discuss something that isn't related to the topic for the week, I'm going to address something in regards to the recent hurricane that hit the U.S. mainland. By now, most of you know about Hurricane Florence that made landfall as a category 2 storm two weeks ago in North Carolina. The storm affected several other states as well, including South Carolina. Last I heard the death toll from the storm was at 36. Now what I want to address is the idea of evacuating from areas where storms are approaching. One of the things that was in the news prior to Florence's landfall was the number of people that chose not to evacuate despite there being mandatory evacuation warnings from local officials. Now I'm not sure what the count is, but I'm sure there have had to be hundreds of rescues taking place due to people being trapped by flood waters. So where I am I going with this you may wonder? I just want to say to everyone that are in areas where hurricanes have the potential to affect you, listen to your local officials when they call for mandatory evacuations. This is something that I've been affected by myself, so I'm not just saying this as someone that can't relate. I've had to evacuate for two hurricanes in my life (Rita and Ike), and I can say without a doubt that listening to your local officials when something like this happens is of utmost importance. I know that some people weren't able to leave, but if you are one of those that are able to evacuate, please don't put your life and first responders lives at risk. I realize that hurricane season is coming to a close, but there is still potential for the United States to be affected in the coming weeks. Just be smart and have a plan if you're in one of those areas. Alright, now that I've gotten that out of the way, lets go ahead and transition into the topic of the week that deals with positive habits and how they can aid us in handling negative factors in our lives.

Now is the part of the topic for the week where I give the usual disclaimer before tackling the topic that will be covered. I do this as a way to let everyone know that I'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone. I'm just simply using this as a way to give my own perspective. We're all different in all areas of life, especially when it comes to how we think and see the world. The main goal here is to hopefully provide some inspiration for us all, and through that potential inspiration, I'm hoping to also encourage others to see certain topics in a manner in which they may not have before. I know that for me personally, I find myself feeling more enlightened whenever someone is able to express something in a way that I never considered before. I believe that the potential to learn from one another is limitless, and I hope that I'm able to do that for some of you. By now, I'm sure that some of you are wondering how did I arrive at wanting to discuss this topic? Since the last installment of the blog series, I've been thinking about how I handle negativity now compared to how I handled it in past years. As with most of us on an occasional basis, I've recently had to deal with brief bouts of negativity being directed towards me. No need to get into what it was specifically about, but I know that some of you also deal with this on some level of capacity at times. From my personal perspective, I considered how I handle certain negative forces these days. In years of past within my life, I often used to find myself being completely thrown off balance whenever I encountered negativity from certain people. My entire day would often be ruined, and I found that I was often more on edge during those times. Now I will acknowledge that a lot of my not allowing these kinds of things to throw me for a loop like they once did can be attributed to me being older and wiser. However, I also know for a fact that implementing more positive habits on a daily and consistent basis has helped leaps and bounds. For this week's topic, I'm going to give some examples of daily habits that can help with handling negativity. I'm also going to try and establish reasons why I personally feel this can be beneficial to our lives. Again, these are just my own personal thoughts, and I hope some of you can relate to what I say.

Now I mentioned earlier that there are various habits we have that dominate our lives, and that what can be considered positive or negative when it comes to habit is totally subjective. What you consider to be a positive or negative habit is up to you, but a good example of a positive habit that I think most of us can relate to is gratitude. I think it is fairly safe to say that most of us express some level of gratitude daily. You may express gratitude for being able to wake up and see another new day. Your depth of gratitude could also be showing gratitude to someone else for doing something for you, etc. I believe if you develop a habit of expressing gratitude, whether openly or internally, you likely focus more on the things that you're grateful for rather than focusing on the things you're lacking in your life. Another example of what I think we all can consider a positive daily habit is what I mentioned at length earlier, fitness and exercise. A person that exercises in some shape or form on a daily basis is probably going to have a much better quality of life than someone who doesn't. We all know the benefits of moving our bodies are innumerable, so there isn't much need to go more depth into that. These are just a couple of positive habits that we have the capacity to exhibit on a daily basis. Again, the idea of positive daily habits is subjective. They are also limitless in the sense that there are always new habits can be acquired that can add to our lives. Again, there are all kinds of habits, but I want everyone that reads this to consider the positive habits that you exude daily. I realize that conquering habits that may be negative is important as well, but that's not what we're going to focus on for this installment. Again, lets ponder on the positive habits in our lives, because I believe the positive habits are the ones that are the most important when it comes to conquering negativity. Just like you can't put a fire out using fire, you can't defeat negativity with negativity.

So why do I feel that practicing positive habits on a daily basis can aid in us handling negativity? Well from my perspective, the positive habits that we practice on a routine basis helps in giving us added confidence to tackle various aspects of life. I personally believe that this gives us an added tool to have in our arsenal when it comes to combating against negativity. I have a belief that a person that is willing to put themselves through something challenging has a leg up on someone that doesn't. One of the things that separates elite athletes from us is that they put their bodies through things that most of us either can't, or not willing to do. When you watch a boxing match and see a boxer that is able to fight for 12 rounds, that comes from hard training before getting into the ring. I believe that the constant running and training in the gym that they put themselves through gives them the confidence they need to face the challenge of going into the boxing ring. If you were to take someone that has never trained for a sport and put them in that situation, they probably wouldn't fare to well since they're not conditioned to do so. Now think of us that aren't elite athletes in regards to this week's topic. You may not be any kind of athlete, but practicing daily habits is similar to training, and the upcoming negative events that will be approaching are similar to the upcoming event. The negative events are going to be coming after you, but the training that you do in the form of those positive daily habits will help you during the battle if you apply them correctly. I hope I'm not confusing anyone with the comparison to sports, but I think most of you get where I'm coming from with this. If you are a long time reader here, then you likely know that I'm a big sports fan. Sometimes it is easier to incorporate these kind of comparisons to be able to get a point across.

Now that I've tried to convey why I feel the practicing of positive daily habits can aid in handling negative factors, I want to close by mentioning that this doesn't always guarantee you will come out on top. Going back to the sports analogy, training hard for an event doesn't mean that a team or athlete will always be victorious. The same applies when it comes to this week's topic. You can practice positive habits daily, yet there are going to be some negative factors that come at us that are going to be too hard to handle initially. Much of this deals with an individual's threshold to handle life, but there are always going to be instances that seem to be a little too big for us. Of course being victorious is something that we all want to experience, but the most important takeaway that I hope people can take from this comes with being confident enough tackle those negative factors whenever they creep into our lives. When a person works on a specific muscle, that muscle naturally becomes stronger through the constant training of it. The daily habits that we partake in are us flexing our life muscles in order to be strong enough to cope when negativity comes around. So I want everyone to think of at least one positive habit that you practice daily or on a frequent basis. Whatever that may be, I want you to rely on that whenever you find negativity thrown your direction. I want you to remember that you are bigger and better than any negativity that is in front of you because you put yourself through challenges on a daily basis. You are a disciplined vessel that is in control of your emotions and how you react to others. For those of you that can't think or any daily habits in your life, I challenge you to look within and find some that you can engage in. Again, this is be anything. It all boils down to what works for you in your life. So lets focus on being and staying positive, and lets slay those negative dragons that are lurking in our lives. \

Well I think that about wraps it up for this one folks. Again, I hope that I was able to express this in a way that people out there can relate to. This has been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' brought to you by Brad H. As always, I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that could be gained from this. Furthermore, I hope that it served as some kind of inspiration to at least one person out there. If you have any comments on this or any of the other topics that I cover, please feel free to drop some comments. If you are on Twitter and you want to connect with me, you can find me on there with the handle @BradrickH. Hopefully the weekend has been treating you all well so far. Mines has been pretty good so far. I attended one of my cousin's football game earlier. They lost the game, but it was still a good experience. Well I hope you all have a great week ahead, and remember that negativity is going to come into our lives, but keep on going! I'll see you all in the next one. Peace!

©2018 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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