Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Importance Of Finding A Degree Of Mental Maturity For Your Life.

It could just be me that feels this way, but from my perspective on life, it seems like it has become extremely difficult for people to relate to one another. Maybe it has something to do with the idea that we as a people have grown so cold and unsympathetic towards one another. Regardless of the what the reasons may be for how people have decayed into this way of thinking and treating one another, the harsh fact is that it likely won't stop happening. I bring this up to say that I can remember when there was an era of my life where this way of thinking and behaving did not exist. Even if it was happening, it didn't appear to be as prevalent as it currently is. People in general have always disagreed on a variety of things, but more often than not; generally speaking, a common ground could be reached. One of my theories as to why I believe we as people have lost this type of understanding deals with the word "maturity". Now in bringing up the word maturity I'm in no way saying that everybody that cannot relate to others is immature. However, I believe that as with basically everything that exists within this realm of life, there are levels to maturity. One form of maturity that I believe could be the reason for the growing lack of understanding one another stems from a lack of what I could deem as mental maturity. I believe this plays an importance role in life, hence why we're going to be covering the importance of finding a level of mental maturity for our lives. 


Hey, what is going on folks? This is Brad H. checking back in once again, and I would like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am back for another installment to give my perspective on a topic that I think would be beneficial for us all! I hope all has been going well for everyone since the last topic. Well we have had the MLB World Series taking place since the last topic. I am currently watching the game four between the Houston Astros and Atlanta Braves, and I just watched the Astros go down 3-1. Now if you have been reading on my blog for an extended period of time, you probably know that I am an Astros fan. I can remember bringing up their victory back in 2017 on here. I was going to use my soapbox this week to give my prediction on how the series would go, but it may be pretty pointless for me to do that now. I'm not one to say that being down 3-1 is a guarantee that it is over, but it's not looking good at all for the Astros right now. Hopefully they can win game five and keep this series alive, but it's clear that the Braves have the momentum. I guess I will say that the series goes six games with the Braves winning it all. We shall see in the coming days, right? Well I guess I'll go ahead and transition into this week's topic on the importance of finding a degree of mental maturity for our lives. 

Now before I get in more detailed on what I deem as mental maturity, I need to start off this topic by letting you all know that mental maturity is subjective to what you as an individual feel it is. I am solely giving my own perspective on what I feel mental maturity is for my own life. Also, I am in no way trying to judge or criticize the maturity level of anyone else. As with the title of this topic, it's all about finding what works for your own life. Now I spoke earlier on how difficult it has become for people in general to relate to one another. There are so many reasons as to why this may be the reality of life. However, I personally believe that one of the key reasons for this deals with how self-absorbed we as a people are now. A good majority of people are so consumed with themselves to the point where they feel as if everything should evolve around them. Now as I have pointed out many times in previous topics, it is totally normal and healthy for all of us to think of ourselves first. The thing is that some people become so self-absorbed to degree where it hinders their mental maturity. The primary theme here is that being too self-absorbed can lead to a person losing sight of the fact that life doesn't evolve solely around them; hence hindering your mental maturity. 

One may wonder how does one inhibit their growth mentally from being so self-absorbed with themselves? I believe from my own perspective that one of the best signs of growth within a person is when a person is able to look beyond themselves. What I mean by this is when a person is able to realize that while the way you see the world matters and is important, it's not the only way of viewing things. Any example of this is when a person realizes that it is okay to consider the perspective of others before acting, or reacting. We've all been young in our lives before, right? I think that most of us can agree that we often acted quickly in certain situations, and that quick acting led to us making mistakes. Well for most people as they age, they do not always act so quickly because you realize the importance of the potential consequences of your actions. Unfortunately, there are people in this world that never get rid of the quick acting and reacting mentality. It follows them into their adulthood, and while it sucks to say, some people will leave this world with that mentality. The way that all of this relates to mental maturity is that when you find yourself dealing with others that you may not always share the same point of view, you're not quick to act and react. I personally believe this is what allows us to relate to others, which ultimately correlates with being mentally mature. 

So I have given my definition on what I believe mental maturity is, and provided a general sense of what I believe this entails. So why is it important for us to find a degree of mental maturity? Again, I want to state that this isn't something that has to be viewed from a vacuum. Your degree of mental maturity doesn't need to be to everybody else standards, but it is important to find it for yourself. Ultimately, it is important to find your level of mental maturity to help yourself become a person that can relate to others. Now you may be saying to yourself, why is it important for me to relate to others if I'm aiming to be mentally mature for myself? In the end this all goes back to you as a person because being able to understand and relate to others is something this world has lost sight of. When you develop and learn to have a degree of mental maturity, it makes it easier for other people to want to understand and relate to you. It helps you to stand out in a positive way and become a better person in the viewpoint of others. All of these things are positive things that help us to feel good about ourselves, and I believe that we can all attest that life is so much better when you view yourself favorably. While it is of importance to develop your mind to become mentally mature for others, the self benefits are even more beneficial to your life. So with all of that being said, focus on finding your degree of mental maturity, and if you feel like you're already there, keep on doing what you're doing!

That is pretty much all I got for this week's topic on mental maturity. I think all of you that came through to read another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I hope that you all found this topic helpful, and that it can serve as some inspiration for your life. If any of you have any comments or feedback that you'd like to contribute, please do so in the comment section. If you are on Twitter and would like to connect with me, please hit me up on the handle @BradrickH. Well I hope you all have an enjoyable rest of the weekend. For those of you that celebrate Halloween, I hope you all enjoy the day tomorrow. I'll leave by saying Happy, Happy Birthday to my mom on October 31st. May you enjoy your day mother, and may you all have a great week ahead. I'll see you all on the next topic!

©2021 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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