Saturday, August 28, 2021

Why Having Principles That You Stand By Is So Important.

One of the common themes that I have talked about at various times throughout the years via this blog is the subject of change. I've brought the idea of change up in sub-contexts, and I've also made it the primary theme of several topics in the past. I feel that the reasoning behind this stems from how prevalent change is within the grand scheme of life. I also believe that change is truly limitless in context and how it is understood by us as people. The context in which I am bringing up change in this topic deals with how much change the world has gone through. The world has and will constantly be changing, but I believe that most of us would agree that the world has changed fairly drastically in the last year and a half. Much of this global change has caused a major shift in how we as people view life. I would dare say that the changes that have occurred have created a more deep seeded division among people. It is almost as if people have been forced to choose one side or the other, and that if you aren't on a particular side that is deemed as being more popular, you are viewed as being an outcast. A popular and one of my favorite quotes is "If you don't stand for something, then you will fall prey to anything!" A good majority of people in today's world don't have principles that we stand by as individuals. Having principles that guide our thinking and way of life is something that we're not only lacking, but something that we have to understand the importance of having.  


What's up my folks! This is your boy Brad H. to bring you another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am back to give my perspective on a topic that I believe would be helpful towards helping us become better people. I hope you all have been doing great since the last topic! It is so hard to believe that we are already about to be in the month of September. Time just passes by so fast! So for my soapbox this week, I want to address something that some of you that are frequent readers on here may have noticed. I unfortunately have not been able to keep up with the regular schedule of posting every other week as I have maintained for much of the time I've been doing this. I know earlier this said I addressed that I may not always keep my usual schedule, but it has become more frequent where I am not posting when I normally do. There has just been a lot of personal things going on during this summer that has caused me to push the blog to the background. I just wanted to assure you all that I am still here and doing well. I think most of us can agree that the past couple of months have been pretty wild across the world, and that ultimately means that it will affects various aspects of our individual lives as well. I pretty much just wanted to use my soapbox to address that, so now lets go ahead and get into my perspective on why having principles that you stand by is so important. 

Before going into the importance of standing by our principles, we have get a couple of things out there. When it comes to the idea of an individual standing by their principles, it is important to remember that this can having a different meaning for different people. I am just coming from a more general perspective on this topic, so it is up to us as individuals to define what having principles mean to us. Also, I'm in no way using this topic to question anyone's principles or what they may believe. Everyone is free to live and think however they feel is best for them. The main goal for this topic is not to focus on individual principles, but rather the importance of us sticking by them. Now what are principles when it comes to our lives? From my own perspective, a generalized definition for principles in the context of this topic is a system of beliefs and truth that we have that guide how we carry ourselves. I wouldn't call that an official definition, but rather how I personally interpret what it means to have principles as I see it. Believe it or not, we all have principles in some form or another. Many of us have certain beliefs that we adhere to and use those beliefs to govern how we live our lives. Some people may refer to it as a "code" on how to live or act when it comes to life. Though we all have principles that we abide by, knowing what value they mean to a person and how they affect a person's life is not addressed enough today.

What does it mean for a person to have principles? What are some qualities that people with principles have? I'll start by giving my perspective on what I believe it means for an individual to have principles. From my perspective, a person with principles means simply standing by what they believe in. This doesn't necessarily mean that they are always right in what they believe. It means that this person doesn't allow society to dictate how they think and feel, and it will often take more than jumping atop a bandwagon to get them to waver in the things they believe. I personally believe that people with solid principles have a bit of wolf mentality when it comes to how they approach life. When I say a wolf mentality, I mean that they probably stand alone in a lot of what they believe. We all know and have heard how wolves have a loner mentality when they are out in the wilderness, right? Now this isn't something that we want to take literally. People with principles are not always loners; I want to be sure and make this clear. I also believe that people that stand by their principles are people that are comfortable in their own skin, and also not afraid to speak what they feel to appease others. I do realize that not everyone can relate to people that are straightforward, but I think we can agree that most people this way are respected, even if they're not always liked by a lot of people. 

We've defined what it means for a person to stand by their principles, and we've talked about what I perceive to be qualities that principled people have. So why it is so important for us to stand by our principles? My perspective on this comes down to the society that we're currently in. I believe that too many of us don't always stand by our principles because we want to liked by everyone. Now I don't believe there is anything wrong with wanting to be liked, but there is a line that needs to be drawn. That line is that even if you are liked by many, you will never be liked by everyone. Too many of us sway and waver on things that we're passionate about because we want to accommodate others. There are going to be times when you have to accommodate others, but you should never have to compromise who you are and what you think to do so. It's unfortunate that this society we live in today has forced too many of us to stray from our principles just to fit in. With everything happening in the world today, we cannot afford to not stick by our principles. There are too many entities that are seeking to control how we think, and many of us are going to be manipulated by this in the end. If something that you believe in feels right to you, stick by it. Don't worry about if it aligns with the masses. Like I pointed out earlier, sometimes it is best to have and maintain a wolves mentality in this world. 

That's about all I got for this time around everyone! I want to thank you all once again for tuning into another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I hope that you all found this topic helpful, and that you were able to take something positive away from it. As always, feel free to add any comments or feedback in the comment box. You can also find me on Twitter @BradrickH if you'd like to connect with me on there. I hope you all have an enjoyable rest of the weekend, and please keep the people of Louisiana in your thoughts as there is a major hurricane about to bear down on them. Have a great week ahead, and I'll see you all on the next topic!

©2021 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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