Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Importance Of Not Being Overly Consumed With Just One Thing.

We all know that our lives can become a true juggling act when it comes to balancing the many aspects of life. When we think of a juggler when it comes to the literal sense of what it means, they are known for their ability to balance several activities at one time. However, even the best of jugglers can overload themselves to the point where everything they're juggling will come crashing down. I bring all of this up because a common theme that I've addressed throughout the years via this blog is the importance of having balance in our lives. Being able to maintain an even keel when it comes to managing our lives is essential if we're aiming to keep our minds right. That said, none of us are perfect to the point where we're able to maintain this way of discipline all the time. There are going to be moments in our lives where we become neurotic about certain things. These are the moments where we find ourselves being over consumed with one particular aspect of life. While there is nothing wrong with being focused on a specific task when it is necessary to do so, being neurotic about something can have dangerous side effects if not properly put into context. This is why I believe it is of importance to not become overly consumed with just one aspect of life. 

HAPPY 2021 FOLKS! This is Brad H. back once more for the first edition of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' of the new year! I hope that you all are having a solid and healthy start to begin 2021! So for anyone that may be a first time reader here with this post, this is a platform I use to give my perspective on a topic that I think would be beneficial towards helping us stay motivated. If it is indeed your first time here, I would like to say welcome to you. For anyone that is a recurring visitor here, thank you once again for joining me. So for my soapbox to begin this topic, I just want to give a brief update on how I plan on handling the topics for this year. As of right now, the format will be staying the same. However, with so many things happening last year that caused me to have to skip weeks that I would normally post on, I'm going to be a little more lax towards posting. So for now the format of posting every other week will stand, but if there is something that happens that causes me to skip a week, then the following week will be the one where I post. I know most of you may not care much about that, but I feel the need to be transparent for those of you that are used to coming here. So now that I have addressed that, lets go ahead and get more into the importance of not being overly consumed with just one thing.

Now when it comes to the idea of not being so consumed with just one thing, there can be many ways that we can break down this topic. First off, when I make reference to "one thing", some of you may wonder what does this refer to? From my perspective, the one thing that we're using as a reference point for this topic can be anything that consumes to your mind to a level where it becomes  unhealthy. Now I will attest that I truly understand how difficult it can be to not engage in doing this. We all have moments in our lives where something bothers or worries us to the point that we're unable to think about anything else. Just thinking of an example of how this applies to my life, and I'm sure some of you can relate to the following. I remember during my college days have to give a 10 minute end of semester presentation that would determine if I passed the course. In the weeks leading up to having to do the presentation, I was constantly thinking of and asking myself how I would do? How would it look to the other students? Would the teacher accept my performance? These questions and the constant worry made it difficult for me to sleep or concentrate on other things. Again, this is just a personal example, but I think you all get the gist of where I'm coming from in addressing this example. 


Now that I've given an example of what it means to be overly consumed with only one thing, I want to get into how this can affect us mentally. I talked in the opening about how life is a juggling act when it comes to maintain various aspects of our lives. While juggling too much as I alluded to is something that needs to be avoided, managing a few things at a time is much more healthier for us than focusing too hard on one thing. When you are consumed with one thing dominating your life and your mind, you tend to lose sight on being in the present moment. Now I'm no psychologist, but I do personally believe that living this way too much is what helps create anxiety in our lives. Again, please do not take this as being medical advice. This is just something that I've noticed in my own personal life. Think back to the example that I gave about the end of semester presentation that I had to give. All of those questions that I mentioned asking myself were robbing me of being in the present moment. Not only that, being too consumed with how I would do took away joy from me because I was so worried about something that had yet to even happen. Again, a bit of worry and focus can be good under certain situations, but being too consumed with them is not good from my perspective.  

One life to live! No, I'm not talking about the soap opera that is so well known. I'm speaking in a literal sense in saying that we only get one life to live. This ultimately is the main theme of why I feel that it is of importance to not be over consumed with just one thing. From my perspective, when we're consumed too much with just one aspect of life, we are depriving ourselves of being able to live a healthy life mentally. I talked earlier about how things like worry can create anxiety and rob us of joy and inner peace, right? All of these potential bad habits do not benefit us when it comes to living our lives. If you find that you're always worried and anxious about anything in particular when it comes to life, you're probably not going to be a happy individual. I know it may sound like a broken record to many of you, but always keep in mind that we only get one shot at the plate of life. It is up to us to try and make the best of the circumstances that we're given. Being too consumed with anything, regardless of what it may be detaches us from living fully. Always keep in mind that stress and anxiety are okay and natural when experienced sparingly. Over consumption is where things start to get potential bad for us. 

So that's all I got for this first installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' for 2021! I hope that you all were able to gain some meaning and understanding from this. I also hope that it was beneficial to some of you in your lives. If any of you have any questions or concerns with this topic, or any of the other topics that I have covered, please feel free to drop a comment. You can also hit me up on Twitter at the handle @BradrickH if you'd like. I hope you all are having a good year so far. We don't know what this year is going to bring, so I guess all we can do is take things one day at a time. Stay safe everyone, and I'll see you all on the next topic! 

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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