Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Shutdown Isn't An Excuse To Letdown.

The topic of making excuses has been one that I've brought up on many occasions on here in the past. We're all guilty of using them at times for our own personal reasons. It's almost like excuses are the equivalent to a warm blanket during the cold winter months. They provide us with a false sense of comfort when we know that we've let ourselves and others down. The majority of us use excuses as a way out of holding ourselves accountable for our shortcomings. With saying that, I'm not implying that anyone is a bad person for making excuses. Like I have already mentioned, we're all guilty of using excuses in our lives. More importantly than the excuses that we use to cover up for our flaws are the reasons behind the excuses that we give. If you're going to give excuses for something in your life, there is likely going to be a reason behind it. Everyone knows about the global pandemic that we're currently in due to the Covid-19 virus. Because of this deadly virus that has claimed so any lives, there were shutdowns of countries and governments all over the world. Things have begun to open up a bit, but there are still areas of the world where there are lock downs being implemented. These shutdowns have forced us to stay at home to try and curve the spread of the virus. There are some people that have used the global shutdown as a reason to put off doing the things we need to do. I'm here to give my perspective on why I believe that a shutdown is not a proper excuse for you to let yourself down.

What's going on good people? This is Brad H. back once again, and I would like to welcome you all to another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I am here once again to give my perspective on a topic that not only has been on my mind as of late, but also to hopefully provide a bit of inspiration to those of you that have stopped by. I hope that things have been going as good as possible for you all since the last topic that I covered. I realize that things aren't back to normal due to the pandemic, but hopefully some of you are beginning to experience a small bit of normalcy with various things opening back up. I still encourage everyone to stay as safe as possible despite the reopening, and do not think that this crisis is over because things are reopening. This pandemic is far from over, and letting down our guard is not the thing we need to do now. So for the soapbox this week, I want to continue with the theme of the pandemic and how it relates to sports. Most of you that are frequent readers here know that I am a huge sports fan. You can imagine how much I'm longing for sports right now since they have been away for a couple of months now. I know many other sports fans are getting antsy as well, but I also think that now is a time where we have to put our personal desires to the side for the betterment of everyone. We don't want to see more of our favorite athletes getting sick, and we surely don't want to see sports open back up only to be suspended again because an athlete tests positive. Sports will come back eventually, so lets have a bit of patience and understanding for what's going on. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, lets talk about why a shutdown isn't an excuse for a letdown.

Since the global pandemic that we're currently going through is something that we all pretty much have in common in regards to it being an experience that we're all having to endure, I'm primarily going to be using it as a point of reference on why a shutdown isn't an excuse for a letdown. Now I mentioned earlier how various businesses and activities are beginning to open back up during the pandemic. Despite the frequent openings that are taking place all over the world, there are still many places that remain in a shutdown. We constantly see and hear on the news and radio about the various shutdowns that the pandemic have brought. From my personal perspective, there is an aspect of the not only the shutdown, but also the pandemic in general that we don't see brought up often enough. What I'm referring to is the mental aspect of the shutdown. I believe that there is not enough talk about how the crisis as a whole is affecting people mentally. Now I do realize that not everyone will be mentally affected by the closing of things in the same manner. However, we do have to acknowledge that the idea of not being able to do certain things that we're accustomed to doing can play on our psyche.

Now the reason that I'm primarily using the pandemic that we're in as an example in this post is because the shutdowns that have came along with the pandemic have put many people in a position where they have to be still. If you're not able to go and do things that you're accustomed to doing, what do you do next? Not everyone can just come up with other things to do for whatever reasons. For some people this has turned into a period of time where we are being a little too still, and like I stated previously, it is playing on the psyche for many people. Now I talked earlier about how many of us use excuses as justification for our flaws and shortfalls right? Could it be possible that the global shutdown that has happened is being used as an excuse to letdown on our goals? From my own personal perspective, I believe that this has become a reality for many people worldwide. I also want you all to consider that the shutdown in and of itself isn't only physical in the sense where businesses, schools and gyms are shutting down. There's a psychological aspect that come along with watching the news and social media constantly repeating the fact that things have shutdown. Think of it as being similar to a light switch. When you shut off the switch, the room goes completely dim until you flick the switch again.

Continuing with the light switch comparison, it is time for those of us that have shutdown in whatever way we deem as relevant to our lives to flick on the switch again. It is time to leave behind the excuses and reasons as to why we aren't continuing to truck towards our goals. The reason why I feel that a shutdown isn't an excuse to let ourselves down is because there is always a way to self improve regardless of what is going on. If you're a person that goes to the gym frequently and find that the gyms are closed due to the virus, that doesn't mean you completely stop exercising. You find other ways to keep yourself active. There are all types of activities that can be done outdoors to keep you healthy, not to mention that there are numerous workout videos online that can be done right at home. That's just one example, but the main theme of this topic is to encourage everyone to drop the excuses just because things aren't going as they would normally during this period of time. The truth of the matter is that this may be our new normal for quite sometime, and we most definitely won't get anywhere if we use it as an excuse as to not keep pushing forward. So remember that a shutdown isn't an excuse for you to let yourself down. Keep yourself motivated, and keep on pressing forward towards the aspirations that you have.

That is all that I got for this week's topic on the idea that a shutdown isn't an excuse to letdown. I hope that I was able to bring this out in a way that was both meaningful and understanding for everyone. Thanks to you all once that stopped by for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! I'm always grateful and appreciative to those of you that read my topics. If anyone has anything that they would like to add or contribute to this or any other topic that I've previously covered, please hit up the comment section. You can also connect with me on Twitter at the handle @BradrickH if you'd like. Well I hope everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend. Stay safe out there on this Memorial Day holiday weekend, and I'll catch you all in a couple of weeks. Stay blessed and peace out!

©2020 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.


  1. I agree I know i have had some obstacles in the way but I have found a lot of different things to do. I even learned some new things about me. Great post.

  2. Thanks. This gives me some motivation to exercise. I have to admit since the gym shut in March, i've had no fitness regime.....but don't eat a lot. :-)
