Saturday, October 27, 2018

Your Presence Often Outweighs Everything Else In Your Life.

Many of us are familiar with the famous saying; "Out of sight, out of mind." This saying comes from the idea that if you're not present in someone's presence at the moment or often enough, then you likely won't be a priority on that person's mind. By now we all know that while this particular saying is popular and likely has some truth to it depending on the individuals involved, it is also one that shouldn't be taken so literally. We all have people in our lives that while we may not be around all the time, we definitely think about them on a frequent basis. Though the out of sight and mind statement is one that so many people tend to use, the idea of maintaining being present in life is probably more in line with how most of us think and feel. If we're being honest with ourselves, we both value and need to have people around us in this life. Human interaction and the relationships that we have with other humans are what this life that we live in thrive on. Truth be told, many of us probably wouldn't be able to maintain our sanity if we didn't have the presence of people that we care for around us. Beyond that, there are already so many people in this world that are lacking in this area of life, and I think we can all agree that it shows with the number of people that deal with depression, etc. I'm not implying that all forms of depression deal with people not having other people in their lives. However, I do feel that it is probably one of the biggest reasons why people deal with this. Not speaking for everyone, just for myself, but I think many of us underestimate the importance of being present. This not only applies to the people that we love and close for, but also towards all aspects of our lives. Many of us weigh the pros and cons of whether it is beneficial to be present, and that is a valid act in my opinion. However, from my perspective, your presence will often outweigh everything else in your life.

Yo, yo, yo! What is going on everybody out there in the land of the internet? We are here once again for another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'. I am Brad H. of course, and I'd like to welcome you all to another week of wisdom, inspiration, and positive vibes and energy. I hope that all has been good and well in the lives of every single person that is reading this. In the unfortunate circumstances where that has not been the case for anyone out there, keep on holding your head up and continue to strive towards changing the things that you're able to. Before getting into the topic that I'll be delving into for the week, I'd like to use this portion of the post to address something that doesn't have anything to do with this week's topic. I haven't talked much baseball on here this year, so I'm going to go ahead and give my thoughts on The World Series taking place right now. Boy, was that a crazy game last night or what? It honestly felt like that one wasn't going to end. The Dodger were able to keep themselves alive for another game after a 3-2 win over the Boston Red Sox. Now I recall writing something about The World Series last season that took place between the Dodgers and the Houston Astros. I mentioned in that post that I was an Astros fan, but I also like the Dodgers as well. Of course my Astros didn't make it back this year, so I'm pulling for the Dodgers to win it all this time around. Though it was a tense game last night that featured a bit of luck happening for the Dodgers, I am glad they were able to come away with the W. Now it all shifts to tonight's game. Since it is a bit late to be making predictions, I'm not going to do that. I'll just say that I hope the Dodgers can come up with a way to extend this thing to another game. Am I surprised that the Red Sox are up on the Dodgers in this series? Absolutely not! That pitching rotation Boston has is really good, and you can't go wrong with that offense they got. We'll just have to see what happens, but hopefully we can be in for another treat like we had last night. Well I'm going to go ahead and leave baseball alone for now, so lets transition into the heart of this week's topic, which deals with why I believe our presence often outweighs everything else in our lives.

So now that I've gotten on my soapbox for a bit, it is time for me to give the regular disclaimer that I give before addressing the main focus of this week's topic. Every single one of us have different outlooks on how we see this world that we're living in. We all have differences in the ways we think and move throughout our daily lives. I say that to say that it is unrealistic for us to believe that we're always going to see eye-to-eye when it comes to giving our opinions and perspectives. The primary goal that I have with this topic, as with the rest that I cover is to hopefully provide some inspiration that can hopefully serve as motivation to help us to keep moving forward in our lives. My other hope with all of this is to hopefully ignite a spark in someone else that serves as a way for another person to see a topic in a manner they may not have before. I personally believe that it is a wonderful feeling when you already have formed an opinion on something, and then you receive a perspective from another person that allows you to expand upon the opinion that you've already formed. It is honestly one of my favorite things in life to be like; "Hmm, I never thought of it that way." I don't expect this to be the case for everyone, but I have a feeling that many of you feel the same way. So how did I arrive at the topic of why our presence is so important to our lives and the lives of other? Recently, I've been giving a lot of thought about this particular topic and how so many of us forget how important that our presence plays in our lives. In some ways, I have equated this topic to some situations that people that I know are currently dealing with in their lives. Upon relating this to the lives of others, I thought of several different ways where being present matters greatly in our lives. So for this week, I'm going to be giving a few examples of why being present is important, and I'm going to hopefully provide some explanations for why I believe our presence often outweighs many aspects of our lives. So with that being said, lets go ahead and tackle this.

Most of us have likely heard about the importance of being in the present moment, and how difficult it is to be in the present moment when you're focused on the past or the future. I feel this same state of mind applies when it comes to the idea of having a state of presence in our lives. What do I mean by this? From my perspective, the state of presence is not only being in the present moment, but it also deals with the idea of showing up and having a presence. Be mindful that there is more than one way to having a presence. Your presence can be anything from showing up at one of your classes to take a test, to having an online presence where people are aware of you despite not being in your physical presence. There are many ways to view a topic such as this, but for the focal point of this topic, I want to more so stress how your physical presence can have an influence on other people. I want to break how I feel about this down into two aspects. The first aspect I want to address is the aspect of the importance of having a presence in the lives of others. I want to get into this first, because I personally believe that this is the most important aspect of having a presence. I say this because regardless of who you are, if you have any kind of responsibilities in your life, you also likely have people that rely on you. As I mentioned earlier, I believe much of the reason why people suffer from depression comes from feeling alone. Now I know that we all have our own individual lives to live, but if you also have people that rely on you, then they rely on your presence as well. This means that is is important that you have a physical presence in their lives. Think of a child when they are little, and how most of them only go to the people they're around the most. Children cling to the people they see the most, which means that for that to be able to happen, their parents and whomever else they are close to have a presence in their lives. They may not yet understand the ins and outs of life, but they do know who is present in their lives.

The second aspect of how our presence plays an important part in our lives is the personal aspect. Beyond just having the state of presence for others in our lives, we also have to see it from a personal side of things as well. From my perspective, we often times in life focus more on the outcome of things rather than what our presence in itself can do to benefit us. In order for us to achieve the things that we're seeking in this life, we have to have a steady and consistent presence in whatever it is we're trying to do. Take the following as an example. Imagine a guy that loves playing basketball, and is wanting to try out for a basketball team. It would be natural for this guy to think about the outcome of wondering whether or not he makes the team, but putting so much emphasis on this can also cause distractions. Now the more wise thing for the player to do is not worry about the outcome of whether he makes the team not, but rather focus on trying to have a steady presence at the tryouts. This is why I say that your presence can outweigh the other aspects of your life. If you are present in what you're trying to accomplish, the results will often take care for themselves. When you put this into that perspective, you come to realize that it isn't always about achieving the outcome you desire, but rather being able to appreciate and enjoy the journey that leads to whatever the outcome is. Now I know I used basketball as an example, but this can apply to anything in life from relationships, career, etc. Furthermore, a steady presence can also yield positive results even when you may not have initially achieved the result you desired. Going back to the basketball example I provided, lets imagine that the player didn't make the team after the tryouts. However, despite not making the team, he showed up and gave a lot of effort. Though he may not have had the same level of talent as the other players, lets say the coach saw how determined he was. Now lets say that one of the players that did make the team has to quit for whatever reason, and the coach has to replace him with one of the players he decided to cut. Now imagine the coach going back and choosing the player that we're talking about because he showed up and gave the effort. Though he may not have made the cut initially, his presence was enough to get him to what he desired.

It is time to head into the home stretch of this topic. Now that I've given a few examples of what it means to be present and have a presence state of mind, I want to get into why I feel it outweighs nearly everything else in our lives. From my perspective, your presence outweighs most of the results and outcome in your life comes from the idea of time. See, when you are present and have a presence towards something, you are making the conscious effort to give your time to whatever requires your presence. In my opinion, this is important due to the fact that we all have a limited amount of time. I've written in the past about how important time is and how it drives us, so I'm not going to get too much into that. However, because time does indeed run our lives, we can often never have too much of it. There are all kinds of material things and items in this life that we can probably never have too much of, but you can never have too much time. This is why it is pertinent to be able to discern what is and isn't worthy of your time. When you have a in the present state of mind, you are willingly giving your time to the things you like. If you're present in something that you enjoy, the other aspects of life do not matter as much. Going back to the basketball example I gave earlier; if you love and enjoy playing basketball, the idea of getting cut and not making the team won't matter as much. Of course that would disappoint you, but you had the presence of mind to go after something you enjoy, which means that it won't be a waste of your time. When you have a state of presence, you can look back at those things and enjoy them regardless of the outcome. It all comes down to time and learning to engulf yourself fully in the things you enjoy. And if you ask me, from my perspective, that just isn't something that you can put a price tag on. Upon reading this, I hope this encourages others to appreciate what you give your presence to. You don't have to always physically do things. Sometimes your presence towards something is all that is needed.

Well we've arrived at the end of another topic for the blog. I hope that I was able to express myself in a manner that those of you that have made it this far could understand. I appreciate everyone that stopped by, and although I may not be physically able to see you all, just knowing your presence towards what I have to say is inspiring. This has been another installment of 'Brad H.'s Perspective' brought to you by Brad H. If anyone has anything they'd like to contribute as far as feedback, please feel free to do so in the comments. You can also find me on Twitter @BradrickH. Well I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far, and I hope you have an even better week ahead. The weather has been wonderful here in southeast Texas the last couple of days. Always gotta get out and enjoy it when that happens. Well I'll see you all in the next one. Till then, peace and love to everyone!

©2018 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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