Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Reverse Psychology Of Doing What Is Hard Compared To Doing What Is Easy.

If we're being completely honest with ourselves here, I think that most of us can agree that if given the option between doing something an easier way vs. a harder way that most of us would prefer the more easier way. Why is this the case for most of us? I don't know the scientific answer to this, but in my opinion, I just think that we've been conditioned over time to do what is considered the most convenient and quickest way possible. Now in saying that, I'm not implying that choosing the more easier way of doing something is always bad. There are always some instances where choosing the easier route is the best way to go. For example, if you were taking a trip and there were two ways of reaching your destination with one way being longer than the other, it would make the most sense to go the way that gets you to your destination quicker right? While taking the more easier path of doing things generally may be the most convenient and quicker way of making things happen, certain aspects of life can be more beneficial if we choose the road that is often less traveled. There is somewhat of a reverse psychology when it comes to this, but as I have pondered on this after hearing it, I do believe it is something that holds to be the truth. Although most of us prefer the easy way in most situations, we can't always see the potential betterment of our lives in this manner if self-improvement is one of our goals. In order to improve as a people, we have to realize that if we do what is easy, then our lives while be harder, and doing what is hard will often make our lives easier.

Yo! What is going on everyone? It is I Brad H. coming back at you all once again, and like always, I would like to welcome you all to another edition of 'Brad H.'s Perspective'! Big ups to everyone that stopped by again for another week of potential knowledge and inspiration that will hopefully feed our souls a bit. I hope that things have been going well for everyone since the last topic that was addressed. In the event that hasn't been the case for some of you, just keep on holding your head up and work towards trying to change that. This is the section of my topics where I normally talk about something related to sports or world news. However, there wasn't anything that was noteworthy happening that I felt was worthy of bringing up. So for my soapbox that I normally use for this section to talk about something off the cuff, I'm going offer a bit of advice to some of you that may be in your 30's and up. So earlier this week I was out taking a routine jog right? There has been quite a bit of rain falling in this area during the month of February, so it kept me in from running for several days. So I'm out on this run, and although it was a fairly sunny evening, there was still water puddles on the street. So I'm nearly a mile into my run, and my left foot ends up going over some water that had dirt mixed in it from the grass right? Next thing I know I slip and take a tumble. My hands and my right arm were scraped up, but the brunt of the punishment went to my right knee, which was bruised and scraped up pretty good. Of course that ended the run, and I walked back home. The important thing about this story is that I hadn't planned on going running that evening, but I decided to do so since it was such a pretty evening. However, my gut told me not to go, and if I would have listened to my gut, the injury would not have happened. So the advice that I'm offering for those of you that may be a little older, always be careful when you are being active. Everyone needs to be careful regardless of age, but we all know that it takes a little longer to heal when you are older. Finally, and this applies to everyone no matter your age, always trust and listen to your gut. Your instincts will rarely fail you. Just something to keep in mind. Alright, now it is time to transition into the topic of the week on the reserve psychology of doing what is hard compared to easy.

It is now time for me to give the usual disclaimer that I give before delving more into the topic at hand. We all have various ways of seeing things, and the same applies to how we view serious topics. The standard that I've tried to set here isn't to force my beliefs on anyone else, but rather to hopefully to encourage others to maybe view things in a manner in which they may not have before. For those that may not share in my beliefs on this or anything else that I discuss on here, I still appreciate you stopping by. There is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree when it is done in a dignified way. My hope is that these words that I write are able to inspire others, as well as myself. So how did we arrive at this particular topic? I was on Youtube watching a video, and I heard the person in the video say something that I thought was pretty profound. I can't quote it word for word at the moment, but he stated that if you do what is easy your life is gonna be hard, and if you do what is hard your life is going to be easy. I'm sure that many of you have heard some iteration of this phrase before. Me personally, I hadn't up until I encountered the video. After I pondered on those words, I thought it would be an interesting topic to explore a bit. Rather than just saying what he said, I want to expand upon it and give examples of what I think he could have been referring to in what he mentioned. Since he didn't go more in depth of what he meant in saying that in the video, I figured I would give my own personal take on it. For those of you that are aiming to improve yourself, this is probably something that will touch you.

So as I referenced to earlier in this post, for most of us if given the option of taking the easier option compared to the harder option, most of us would choose the easier option right? The more easier option often sounds more convenient and doesn't require the level of work that the harder option, but is the easier option really what is good for us in certain aspects? Again, there are certain times in life where you may not want to go the harder route as I touched on earlier with the traveling example. However, there are going to be situations in your life where doing what is harder will help your life drastically compared to taking the more easier route. This is where the reverse psychology aspect of what I'm talking about comes into play. If you think of it in standard and straightforward terms, you'd think that the easier choice is the best option compared to the harder option. Of course the easiest option is better because doing what is easy is exactly that; easy. We'd rather avoid doing something that is harder because it requires more effort right? Now I don't want to lump everyone into the same category, so I will acknowledge that there are some people out there that prefer the harder option because they already understand this psychology. These are the individuals that are already ahead of the curve. But again, most of us prefer the easier way if given a choice, so that is what we're going to focus on here. I want to hopefully show others examples of how the easier option isn't always the best choice.

Now what exactly does it mean when we say that if you do what is easy your life is going to be hard, and if you choose to do what is hard, then your life will be easier? We're all free to form our own opinion on this, but simply put and from my perspective, the easier choices of life will often be the ones that are hurtful to us in the long run. I know this may not sound right for many people, but it is a fact. As an example, think about it in terms of our health. I think we can all admit that sitting on the couch watching television is a lot easier than going to the gym or going for a walk daily right? Now there is nothing wrong with watching television, but imagine someone that watches television constantly without ever working on their health compared to someone that runs several times throughout the week. Watching television is the easier thing to do compared to actually going out there and exerting effort right? So who is really benefiting the most? Since working out requires effort and some discomfort to do, it may not necessarily benefit you at the moment. Of course relaxing and watching television is a more laid back activity, so of course it will likely be more beneficial to you at that particular moment. The problem with this is if you do it constantly and without balance, it hurts you in the long term. The person that is putting in the hard effort has to suffer for awhile, but this person knows that the investment that they're making at the moment, although it may be uncomfortable will benefit them down the road. It's all about what is best in the short term vs. the long term. The easier options often benefit us in the short term, while the harder route is better in the long term.

What I'm trying to get across this week is that while doing what is hard often comes with pain and suffering, it is the best choice if you're thinking long term. Doing what is hard isn't easy within itself, which is what the reverse psychology that we're addressing is about. Every time you lie to or manipulate others, you may often find that you'll get away with it in the short term. Being honest with others and having integrity can be a tough thing to do in this society, and it is something that many of us struggle with because we're focused on the short term. Lies, deceit and manipulation are all easier options compared to doing what is right. Sitting on the couch eating all the time is easier compared to putting in the effort that is required to stay healthy. None of us are perfect, and we all fall short at times of doing what is hard. The goal here is to inspire others (myself also) to focus more on making the harder choices for a better long term. Yes, there will be times when doing this is going to be downright painful and hard to do, but I do believe that it does pay off in the long run. One thing that I try to frequently mention on here is the promotion of self-improvement. We're not trying to be perfect people, we're trying to become even better people. So with all of that said, just keep in mind the importance of doing what is hard compared to what is easy. Everyone is different, so evaluate your life and try to determine what is beneficial for you personally. If you do what is easy your life is going to be hard, and if you do what is hard, then your life is going to be easy. Try and keep that in mind folks.

We have once again come to the end of another edition of 'Brad H's Perspective'! It is time to sign off once again, so big thanks as always to those of you that stopped by to check out my thoughts. As always before I end, I hope that there was some meaning and understanding that could be gained from this, as well as the previous topics that I've addressed on here. Any feedback and comments are welcome, and you can allow follow or hit me up on Twitter @BradrickH. Well I'm going to get off here and try to enjoy this beautiful weather that we're having. Spring is definitely right about the corner. Hope the weather is nice wherever you all are, and I hope you all have a great weekend. I wish you all the best, and hope you have a good week ahead. Take care, and I'll see you all in the one! Peace!

©2018 Bradrick H. All Rights Reserved.

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